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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2008
is it ok to use a digital slr camera on automatic in a gig? because i dont want to be changing settings such as shutter speed or aperture every two minuets. as the lights and movement will be some what difficult to predict.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
is it ok to use a digital slr camera on automatic in a gig? because i dont want to be changing settings such as shutter speed or aperture every two minuets. as the lights and movement will be some what difficult to predict.

How smart is your camera? If it is smarter than you them leave it on auto. Most photographers I would think might care what their photos look like and would want to control depth of field, motion blur and the ambient to flash lighting ratio. But if you don't care why bother? Leave it on auto.

What a lot of people do is compromise and leave the camera on (say) aperture priority, that is kind of like "semi-auto"


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
is it ok to use a digital slr camera on automatic in a gig? because i dont want to be changing settings such as shutter speed or aperture every two minuets. as the lights and movement will be some what difficult to predict.

Generally, you'll want to bias the exposure with some exposure compensation to get things into a good "zone" assuming the lighting doesn't change too drastically overall. Then a lot will depend on what metering mode you're using, what you're shooting and how the overall lighting is at the venue.

If the lighting changes a lot, you're not likely to get great shots if you don't adjust your settings- how often that's necessary depends a lot on the lighting.

Exposure is everything- if you get the results you need, then whatever you do to do that "works." If not, then obviously it doesn't work.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2008
well the gig is rock music ( muse are the band ) and the lights are going to be going crazy, light and dark changing all the time and lots of movement. making my life hard to say the least


macrumors member
I'm no expert, but if you manage to smuggle your DSLR in, then get as close as you can to the front (I'm guessing you're not it a seated area, or you probably won't have much luck)

Make sure your flash is disabled, otherwise you might as well put a huge sign above our head saying "Security, I'm here, come and get me!"

You might not want to be fiddling with settings, but until you fire off a few shots you probably won't know what you're going to get.

As a rough suggestion, you could try 1/125 sec for the shutter speed f/4 for apeture and 800ISO but each gig has very different lighting.

Also please be aware that you might get jostled about a bit - keep tight hold of that camera - people aren't going to hold still so you can get a clear iew for your shot.

Good luck - Here was my last atempt.

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