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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2003
Having returned from a holiday in Asia, I showed my family the photo's taken while there and displayed them on my Macbook in Aperture full screen.

Rather strangely the battery shut down after a couple of minutes viewing (from circa 66% charge), and when I plugged the power adapter in to charge the computer it had lost most of its application user settings - and Aperture had lost all of my image settings (it went about recovering the library photo's).

Now I'm left with a few thousand RAW photo's which are uncropped, unrotated, ... etc.

I've tried to recover all the meta data etc, but no luck, and so I'm currently faced with having to work on all those images - something I'm dreading to do!

I was wondering if there is an Automator workflow to automatically carry out auto Exposure and Levels?

Aperture gets it right 90% of the time anyway, and I'm figuring it could save a lot of time if I was able to do a batch process.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Hmmm... this is what happened to me last week: losing battery charge suddenly on my MBP, only to find I'd lost all the captions, crops and adjustments on my photos in Aperture. I don't think I've lost any (many??) pictures ('cos I back up regularly), but I'm traumatised by the idea of dealing with 5,000+ pix again. So, Andy, I share your irritation... Just sorry I can't offer you any help!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2003
Doylem - Sorry to hear of your grief. Have you done anything about your battery?

Westside guy - Sadly this doesn't work, as the 'stamp' copies the exact setting (say +0.20 exposure) of the specific file, and doesn't adapt it for each image, if that makes any sense?

Thanks anyway :)
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