I'm trying to run two instances of Firefox, but the shell script I'm using inside Automator returns an error.
I'm not greatly familiar with scripting (done a little AppleScripting in the past) so found instructions from the following page to help:
Can anyone please advise why the following doesn't work in 10.13.3
open -n /Applications/Firefox_Test.app –-args -P Georgia -no-remote
Any help greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to run two instances of Firefox, but the shell script I'm using inside Automator returns an error.
I'm not greatly familiar with scripting (done a little AppleScripting in the past) so found instructions from the following page to help:
Can anyone please advise why the following doesn't work in 10.13.3
open -n /Applications/Firefox_Test.app –-args -P Georgia -no-remote
Any help greatly appreciated.