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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 21, 2018

I'm having issues with Automator not completing 'text to audio' workflows. It runs, but takes forever and doesn't seem to be able to complete. Pressing stop then freezes Automator with the spinning wheel and I have to force quit.

I've used this workflow loads of times before for ebooks, though haven't used the function for a while. Tried the other day and the workflow was still running after 3hrs. It managed to do a four word test today, but add a paragraph of text and it gets stuck. After force quitting sometimes Automator refuses to open again until I restart the computer.

I'm using High Sierra (10.13.4).

I've checked on a Mac at college and it worked fine and didn't take long to convert a couple of paragraphs.

Any ideas as to why Automator on my computer isn't working properly?

Thanks in advance. :)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 21, 2018
UPDATE: Appears to be an issue with the 'Alex' voiceover. On my computer as well as ones at college, when trying to create a file with the voice of 'Alex', the workflow runs, but never completes. If I use another voice it works fine and the workflow finishes quickly.
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