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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 21, 2010
Hey all,

I have made seven keynote presentations that will show different schedules for about 8 hours each day.
Every day I want the macmini to wake up and run the keynote for that day then go to sleep. What's the best way to do this?
Now I have played a little with automator but i have no apple script experience. (I'm on the art side of things)

Thanks for any help!
Shouldn't be too hard actually. However, using Applescript would be easier. And then writing a cron job for a specific time in the morning to have it open up and another cron job to close it at night.
Shouldn't be too hard actually. However, using Applescript would be easier. And then writing a cron job for a specific time in the morning to have it open up and another cron job to close it at night.

I think there's a little more to it because he wants the machine to sleep, and when the machine is sleeping cron won't fire. I know this (waking a machine at a given time) has come up before, but i don't remember what the conclusion was.

It occured to me that this might be done within one Keynote file but I'm not sure it's possible at these lengths of time.

Slides 1 and 2 looping. (Logo and schedule)
Run for 8 hours

Moves to slides 3 and 4 looping (logo and schedule)
Run for 8 hours

I have the looping thing going but it's the run for 8 hours I can't find yet (if it's possible). AM I making this too hard?

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