Hi. When school starts up again in the end of August, I want to have an Automator Workflow setup so it can sync all my devices completely automatically. First, let me show you my plan.
Computer Boots On: 6:30AM Mon-Fri
AlarmClock Wakes Me Up
iCal Alarm Launces Automator Script
Automator Erases Old Notes
Automator Launces "SyncNow"
(An Application that launces iSync automatically and syncs all your devices so you don't have to press "Sync")
SyncNow/iSync Syncs iCal & Address Book W/ My Verizon Razr
Both Applications Quit
Automator Gets New Mail
Automator Combines my mail messages
Automator creates a new ipod note with that file
Automator Goes To URL:
Automator Copys All Text From Page
Automator Filters Text.
^^^I need help here. I want to filter it down to the "current conditions" Not Sure How
New iPod Note > KDKA Weather
Update iPod
I need help getting the "Weather" To work. Also, I get the message at the end of the workflow execution that it can't eject my ipod as it is in use. Every other app besides Sync Now and iSync are currently open. Mail, iTunes, and the Automator Script. Which one is using the iPod, iTunes I guess? How can I have iTunes automatically Quit in Automator? I couldn't find an action to quit an app, is there one? Sorry for the long post.
Thanks, Kevin
Computer Boots On: 6:30AM Mon-Fri
AlarmClock Wakes Me Up
iCal Alarm Launces Automator Script
Automator Erases Old Notes
Automator Launces "SyncNow"
(An Application that launces iSync automatically and syncs all your devices so you don't have to press "Sync")
SyncNow/iSync Syncs iCal & Address Book W/ My Verizon Razr
Both Applications Quit
Automator Gets New Mail
Automator Combines my mail messages
Automator creates a new ipod note with that file
Automator Goes To URL:
Automator Copys All Text From Page
Automator Filters Text.
^^^I need help here. I want to filter it down to the "current conditions" Not Sure How
New iPod Note > KDKA Weather
Update iPod
I need help getting the "Weather" To work. Also, I get the message at the end of the workflow execution that it can't eject my ipod as it is in use. Every other app besides Sync Now and iSync are currently open. Mail, iTunes, and the Automator Script. Which one is using the iPod, iTunes I guess? How can I have iTunes automatically Quit in Automator? I couldn't find an action to quit an app, is there one? Sorry for the long post.
Thanks, Kevin