function ipodScrollTo(){
//In general this scolls about 3/4 of the screen
if (window.orientation == 0 || window.orientation == 180){
slength = 290;
} else {
slength = 145;
start = window.pageYOffset;
//It could just jump to the end.
//However I liked this better. Makes it easier to follow the text
//This do however depend on what kind of text you have
window.scrollTo(0,(start + i));
//Uncomment to return to top if you are at the bottom
//if (window.pageYOffset == start) window.scrollTo(0, 1);
ok, that's good news.
Just one "small" problem. I know very little about computers and programing. My situation is that I'm planning on getting myself an iPod touch if there's a way to show textdocuments that scrolls on it.
I'm a singer/guitarist/entertainer and instead of carrying 3 binders packed with songlyrics around to every gig, having all song in the iPod would save me a lot of time. I'd be more efficient.
So I would really appreciate if you could go through it step by step, how you do it.
I'v got all my lyrics as "word-doc's" in my PC. Do I need a special app. downloaded to my computer or the iPod? What do I need and how do I do it...?
Please please tell me how you do it...
Kind regards PuffMatte
Thanks Brando 88,
that may work for me... Is it easy/quick to work with. I need to browse the song-library easy? it contains over 800 songs.
Anyway, I'm thankfull for all the tips a get in this matter...