Just got an update:
What's New in Version 1.6
- New detection algorithm that can piece together segments of sleep. Feel free to take bathroom break, it will count the sleep afterwards
- Allow user to manually override sleep time, keep sleep history clean if detection is off
- Faster loading for first time users
Thanks for the efforts. Not sure why your screenshot was 'deleted as requested'.
I've been an insomniac all my life, sleeping pills have bad effects on my sleep and waking state mixed exams tired from jobs etc. Almost 40yrs now in my life and I still cannot deal with timely and restful peaceful sleep single or the married like life. I fear my son is the same as well with smartphone usage.
So having something like the Bedtime app in iPhone has helped remind me to plug out log off devices and voto bed but I'm still lying there for 2-3 hours staring at images. I'm heavily keen on AppleWatch and sleeping apps to see about my sleep status: heart rate potential ecg motion (chronic nightmares) night terrors (unsure if this can be detected with heart rate spikes or not), etc. Right now the only thing that is full proof to keep me remained in sleep is ganja. But I'd like to see the difference in my sleep between using that, sleeping pills, Horlicks malt drink, major tidying and working out late at nights in the gym. I figure cycling through typical days (5 days before switch) between these may show some interesting results.
I used to have sleep problems. I normally write down anything on my mind, anything, whatever it is, to clear my mind. I also try not to drink after 6pm.
If that doesn't work, I watch something on Youtube that's relaxing! Acupuncture, massage. 10 mins and I am gone.
No medication, drugs, nothing