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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 17, 2004
The Msp
Hey, I recently had Apple take my Powerbook to do a motherboard replacement, and the APple Store said they would have to ship it in to Apple to get it done. It's been almost a week now, and I can't look up the status online by the number they gave me, when I call Apple Care the automated system merely says it's "being repaired" and I will be contacted when it's done, and the store itself tells me they have no idea how long it'll take. I really need my laptop in about a week, so it'd be nice to know if that's going to happen or not, but Apple can't say!

So... to people who have logic board repairs - what has the average turnaround time been for you? A week? Two? More?
When my iBook G3 logic board was replaced a couple years ago they told me it would take 4 weeks. It took about 2 weeks.
Drove 100 miles to my nearest A.A.S.P. (no Apple Stores in Ireland);
dropped in my iMac G5 (the service technician had provisionally diagnosed the fault, ordered a replacement logic board and e-mailed me when it arrived);
walked out less than an hour later with repaired iMac.
Mine's been in for repair for two weeks waiting for a new logic board. There seems to be a hold up with macbook logic boards at the moment.

And oh another irish man :D
I had the logic board replaced a couple times under Applecare.

Each time when I sent it myself, they were able to "fix" it in one day or 3 days total with shipping.

If you dropped it off at a store, count on at least 1 extra day for them to receive it and call you.

Anything over a week is seems a bit long, unless it's an older model and/or they are waiting on parts.
Interesting, there seems to be a bit of a range as to how long it could take. When I gave them it originally, it took them 5 days to replace the DC-in board (in-store), which is a bit more complicated than the logic board. It's been almost another five days now since I gave permission for them to send it out for a new logic board. I guess we'll see!
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