Ok here goes. I have some long Movies which i have downloaded recently. They are in AVI format. I use DivX doctor 2 too change it to a MOV but then i have no video. I'd like to cut out some pieces of the movies and just render the clips. I have an edu version of Adobe Premiere 6.5 and i've tried using that... but it always crashes on me like half way through the render process. I should probably contact adobe about that though. I have also tried using SVS (simple video splicer), i set p the splice markers for the cut and it all works and renders out fine.. but when i play it the audio is like 2-3 seconds behind the video. And for some reason it wont let me edit the audio postion. So i'm thinking my next best option is to use After Effects, but it only excepts .MOV's and MPEG files. So ether i need to find a new video codec so i can veiw the video section in MOV format... or i need to have two separate files the single Mov for audio, and an MPEG file for video, since After Effects doesn't read the audio on MPEG files anyhow... I hope someone can help me out... Maybe i can just contact adobe if no one here can help me, and they can help me fix premiere or something... idk i'm really stuck on it right now.