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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2006
York, PA
Wow, this is truly the reason I buy Apple.

So I went to my local store to buy a copy of Final Cut, later to find out the edu. discount doesn't apply in-store. Not that big of a deal, so while I'm there I get my MacBook (purchased the day it came out) checked about these random shut downs I'm having.

The genius tells me it's the Logic Board, and it'll need replaced. Bummer! Once she's finished, I thought I'd ask her if there was anyway I could get the printer deal, since I had no idea it was going on at the time I purchased my computer. She told me to go speak with the asst. manager.

Ok so on to the asst. manager! I ask him about the deal since I wasn't informed about it at the time of purchase, and he said we're gonna make it happen! He tells me to go pick out a printer. I'm so pumped right now. I come back with the printer and casually ask him that since I'm getting the printer, do I qualify for the free iPod as well. At first he told me he couldn't do that, but like 10 mins later he tells me to go pick out an iPod!!

Ok so here's the best part. I'm talking to another guy there, who wasn't dressed like any of the other employees, I'm thinking he was the manager. I told him I was getting my MacBook checked out, and the logic board was the problem.

He was like, "Wow, one month old MacBook with a busted Logic Board? That shouldn't happen. Come back tomorrow with the box and we'll just give you a new one"


I had to share, since I know you freaks are crazy about this stuff! I'm heading out now to go get my replacement!

they gave you not only the free printer, which was available at the time you bought, but the free ipod, which wasn't?? :eek:
Thats great you posted this. Since most people post bad things that happened to them... I think those people need to buy a Dell or any PC on the market, Apple still the best.
QCassidy352 said:
they gave you not only the free printer, which was available at the time you bought, but the free ipod, which wasn't?? :eek:

Yeah because he "returned" my MacBook, and then rebought it at yesterday's date.

I'm sorry everyone couldn't have as good of an experience as I've had.
iamhammill said:
Yeah because he "returned" my MacBook, and then rebought it at yesterday's date.

I'm sorry everyone couldn't have as good of an experience as I've had.

damn, that's awesome... wish I could get that! congrats. :)
Just proves that it never hurts to ask. Nice job - and kudos to the Manager for making things right for the customer.

I'll overlook the "freaks" comment since it's Friday and all. :p
Thank your for your post. It's refreshing to here someones good experience since we only really hear the bad ones. I'm looking to get a Macbook or Mini soon. I have not decided yet, but I will definately post my good experience as well (in thirteen years and thirteen macs I have never had a bad experience).

Free iPod and printer discount a month after purchase wow:eek:

i got the free iPod deal, cost me 90 bucks for a 5G 30 gig . However, I did not know about the printer! However, my guy is way cool. Chances are he will hook me up like he did with the iPod. Thanks for posting.
velocityg4 said:
Thank your for your post. It's refreshing to here someones good experience since we only really hear the bad ones. I'm looking to get a Macbook or Mini soon. I have not decided yet, but I will definately post my good experience as well (in thirteen years and thirteen macs I have never had a bad experience).

Free iPod and printer discount a month after purchase wow:eek:

Do you get the Free Ipod with the Mini? Not sure if you do. That might make decide... not sure if you can get it... but if you order online you can. They should make you send in a copy of your ID for the rebates. but doubt many people fake it. Probably less then 5% of rebates.

Does anybody know if apple gets a Tax break with these EDU discounts??

Why do they do it?
Wow! Thats awesome!

That's the good thing about a retail outlet, customer service can go either way and you've clearly managed to be in a store who genuinely care about their customers.

If you had ordered direct with, you can be sure you'd not have that Printer and iPod!
regre7 said:
I wish I could take short trips to my closest Apple Store. It's a 3-1/2 hour drive for me.


My closest Apple Store is but a scant 1.25 hour drive.....

Followed by 8 to 10 hours on a plane....

And then how long it takes to get from Tokyo airport to the closest store.

Actually, it may be quicker to just fly into San Francisco, not sure though.

My closest AppleCentre is only a 15 minute walk though, it does all right for a reseller.
Chundles said:

My closest Apple Store is but a scant 1.25 hour drive.....

Followed by 8 to 10 hours on a plane....

And then how long it takes to get from Tokyo airport to the closest store.

Actually, it may be quicker to just fly into San Francisco, not sure though.

My closest AppleCentre is only a 15 minute walk though, it does all right for a reseller.

Sigh, I wish they had more international locations. Mine's at least in the same country but is 4.5 hours away (Toronto, live in Ottawa)
regre7 said:
I wish I could take short trips to my closest Apple Store. It's a 3-1/2 hour drive for me.

I have 3 Apple stores nearby, all within a 20 mile radius. Gotta love New York City :D

Apple Palisades, Apple Fifth Avenue, Apple SoHo :)
Well I got my replacement.

I'm thinking maybe it was a refurb however. The box has two plastic tape things on it, with the under one opened. The stuff inside is all packaged up still, but I noticed my keyboard is much different. My first MacBook had a soft, quiet keyboard, with dark markings for the keys.

The keys on this one are light/faded, feel very plastic-like, and also are very loud.

Guess I can't complain too much, I got a replacment, printer, and iPod. Beggers can't be choosers :eek:
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