I was waiting for B2 to upgrade, but this one is a deal breaker for me. I sleep my 2015 MBP several times a day, and can't imagine having to reboot every time. I guess I'll stay on El Capitan for the time being.
Is this issue for folks who put their machines to sleep, or just turn off the display after a certain period of time/hot corner? No issues on my late-2013 rMBP 13", but then again I only ever turn the display off, as opposed to a full sleep.
We should try to figure out what causes it.
I have the issue.
I use BetterTouchTool, MacID, and SMCFan control.
I have an Apple Watch on my iCloud account.
I'm not a registered developer but acquired the update through the Mac App Store.
I'm not using best for retina resolution (1440p)
If you have the issue maybe mention which of these apply to you and other things you might think cause it?
Well, I was having the issue in El Capitan, go figure. But now I disabled hibernation mode. I'll wait until the OP and the others who reported the issue report that is really fixed, and maybe I'll upgrade. Since is my daily driver, I'm hesitant to upgrade a perfectly stable machine.
+1I definitely understand your hesitation. Difficult to say what could potentially end up disrupting your workflow. So far, the only two major issues I've encountered have been resolved using just a bit of basic troubleshooting.
Now if Bartender 2 would just get their beta out, I would be in business, lol.
I Uninstalling Duet and it does not help![]()
I have a mix of apps which I can't live without, like the full adobe suite, specially Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom and In Design. I heard there are some issues with In Design, so that will hold be back.
I also need Fusion 8, Final Cut Pro X and Screen Flow, and some java based DB managers, which I believe they work ok.
As for the utilities other than Bartender 2, I use ControlPlane and Sync Folders Pro, but I could live without them for a few weeks.
Chrome is a huge one, since is the only browser I can use at work.
Thanks for the warning. Definitively letting this one pass too. Sigh!Haha, yeah as a Chrome user I would definitely not update.
Thanks for the warning. Definitively letting this one pass too. Sigh!