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fat daddy

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
Ok, i am new here. I know, newbies suck. Anyways. I have been checking this thing at least twice a day since the new iMac was suppose to arrive in November. I have seen lots of dates thrown around. So whats your guess? Like a baby pool. Lame idea, ya, but I am home sick, not thinking straight. Lets face it, all the dates are pure guesses. Mine is March 24th. What does the winner get? Well nothing. Worth playing then? Not really but it beats the endless, I know a guy that says .... fill in the bank...... Cheers.
I have given up - iMacs will come with Snow Leopard and in traditional Apple style they will drop it all on us at once. It will create more media promotion and will be the easiest way for them to distribute Snow Leopard and hence create a larger market share of OS X users (as for some will see the media promotion of all the new releases and take notice of how new and improved Snow Leopard is and hence convert to Apple).

I say Late May --- early-mid June ...... i hope i am wrong.
Since we're just guessing, I bet we'll see a new Mini before we see a new iMac. Err, actually, I HOPE we'll see a new Mini before we see a new iMac. :D

Middle of March for the Mini
Early May for the iMac.
(Hey, its just a guess. :))
Honestly I don't think anyone has more than just a guess. With the way things have been going recently, it could be next Tuesday or 4 months from next Tuesday.
I hope next week, I expect late march, I would be truly surprised if Apple holds it out any longer. Especially now when the 3.06 GHz diminish everywhere - even Amazon and its retailers, that´s unhealthy business for Apple they need to update. I´m guessing they scrape the bottom to get the final machines ready to be delivered were they are empty.
But I personally think Apple consider to release the full desktop line, or at least announce the full desktop line in one go. Apples desktop line has sold a lot worse than the laptops lately, I think they want to make some attention to their desktop line, even if the iMac only gets minor updates they will do the announcement together with the mini and Pro, so they can get media attention.

but what do I know, I hope I´m wrong :).
A really recent rumors says 3rd march. This week.

I say end of march, with iMacs, Mac Pros and Mac Minis.
Well as i will be getting my mac on 21st of march my guess is the 24th of march.
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