After years of just relying on my iPhone for photography, as great as it is, I missed the enjoyment of having a nice camera to use.
I started out with Fujifilm film cameras before moving to Nikon digital, then to Sony.
Was walking through town earlier this week and saw in a camera store an original Fujifilm X Pro1 with an 18mm lens for a very decent price. Went in, inspected the camera and was blown away it looks and feels brand new! Certainly doesn’t feel like a 12 year old camera so I’d imagine it’s had very little use and sat in a box in a cupboard for years. I’d wanted one when they were first released but were far too much money to spend at the time.
For anyone that hasn’t used one, the X Pro1 was one of only two to use the first generation X Trans sensor and imaging processor which in my opinion really is the closest thing to film like photos, plus you can edit and tweak settings to create unique or use other people’s created “recipes” to replicate old film stocks, jpegs look excellent without any editing straight out of the camera.
I also bought my preferred focal length lens, XF35mm (50mm on an APSC sensor) F2 WR (weather resistant) and combined with the older camera it’s a great combo. Fast autofocus and amazingly image quality.
Anyone else on here got Fujifilm cameras?
I started out with Fujifilm film cameras before moving to Nikon digital, then to Sony.
Was walking through town earlier this week and saw in a camera store an original Fujifilm X Pro1 with an 18mm lens for a very decent price. Went in, inspected the camera and was blown away it looks and feels brand new! Certainly doesn’t feel like a 12 year old camera so I’d imagine it’s had very little use and sat in a box in a cupboard for years. I’d wanted one when they were first released but were far too much money to spend at the time.
For anyone that hasn’t used one, the X Pro1 was one of only two to use the first generation X Trans sensor and imaging processor which in my opinion really is the closest thing to film like photos, plus you can edit and tweak settings to create unique or use other people’s created “recipes” to replicate old film stocks, jpegs look excellent without any editing straight out of the camera.
I also bought my preferred focal length lens, XF35mm (50mm on an APSC sensor) F2 WR (weather resistant) and combined with the older camera it’s a great combo. Fast autofocus and amazingly image quality.
Anyone else on here got Fujifilm cameras?