I am new to Arq and have a few questions:
1. Activity Log Deletions: How do I delete old activity logs?
a. I tried closing Arq, deleting a few log files (located at /Library/Application Support/ArqAgent/logs/backup), and re-opening Arq but the log files were still there being displayed / shown in Arq! How do I get the deleted log files to stop displaying in Arq?
2. Backup Log Error Message: The attached PDF file is a sample of the error logs that I am consistently getting. The error log indicates that i) the backup failed and ii) there are 91 files not being backed up / errors despite having granted full disk access to Arq.
a. What is the cause / reason for the files not being backed up / resulting in errors (i.e., is there a reason these files cannot or should not be backed up?)
b. What is the fix / solution (i.e., is there a need for the files [and, if not, then can they or should they be excluded from the backup], is this problem common to all macOS backups, is / should this be a concern)
3. Backup Log Export: Is there a way to export backup logs as there does not appear to be one?
4. Activity Log Icons: What do the different icons mean (i.e. the red circle with an exclamation mark = issue / problem, the blue circle with a minus signs = ??? / what)?
5. Backup Frequency: How often does Arq backup files; that is, I know that Arq can be configured for daily backups and hourly backups but can it be configured for continuous / real time backups?
6. Backup Speed: The backup speed is very slow using the Arq Server as can be seen by the attached log / PDF file.
a. Is there a way to increase the speed (noting I am using the server in Finland)?
b. Will subsequent backups be faster?
c. Which Arq server is the fastest, because the one in Finland is brutal?
7. Settings: Please confirm / correct my understanding of each of the following options:
a. Use filesystem snapshot for APFS volumes: If this is selected / ticked then an APFS snapshot is taken and that snapshot is backuped as opposed to backing up files in their then currentstae during the backup (i.e., this snapshot crates a point in time backup).
b. Keep deleted files in subsequent backup records: If this is selected / ticked then files that i) are in previous backup records and ii) are not on the computer during the current backup then these files are included in the current backup for ease of reference / use.
Thanks in advance