Hi Guys,
I really couldnt understand much on multithreading. When you want things to be updated without the whole app getting stuck. A simple function to implement multithreading..
Code starts with Creating and Showing a "Loading.." View. And following by removing it after 2 seconds.
Meanwhile Im trying to query the SQL and add it to an array and reload the tableView.
How would I be able to do that.. using, i think "performSelector in Background" thread or something. I dont quite know how to implement the whole thing..
any help is appreciated.. as always.
I really couldnt understand much on multithreading. When you want things to be updated without the whole app getting stuck. A simple function to implement multithreading..
Code starts with Creating and Showing a "Loading.." View. And following by removing it after 2 seconds.
Meanwhile Im trying to query the SQL and add it to an array and reload the tableView.
How would I be able to do that.. using, i think "performSelector in Background" thread or something. I dont quite know how to implement the whole thing..
LoadingView *loadingView = [LoadingView loadingViewInView:[self.view.window.subviews objectAtIndex:0] withMessage:@"Loading..."];
[appDelegate loadLabsOfCategory:CurrentTabSelected containingString:nil animated:YES];
[self.tableView reloadData];
any help is appreciated.. as always.