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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 27, 2008
Just thought I would let you guys know. Hopefully it is fixed soon, since its the main reason I jailbreak
Just as well QuickPwn and UltraSnow haven't been released yet. Darn. Please someone post when it's been updated, I'll be sticking to 2.2.1 till then. Hopefully it won't be long considering how quickly complaints about the phone icon in the last update got addressed.
It probably won't work for a while because holding the home button, which is used to background, now enables voice control (on the 3G S), and is why you can no longer hold the home button to force-quit.
Thanks for pointing this out. This is TERIBBLE news. Everyone's so excited about the jailbreak coming out that they forget that each JB app will have to be ported over.
I for one am not upgrading till backgrounder is ported....
Update - a Tweetie search brought up a post from the developer (@ashikase). The good news is he's aware and intends to fix it, the bad news is that he's extremely busy with work atm so can't attend right away. :( I understand but it's a bummer all the same. Here's hoping it won't be a difficult repair!
What applications would you use with backgrounder? What would you want running in the background? As if 3.0 is not laggy enough with poor battery performance.
What applications would you use with backgrounder? What would you want running in the background? As if 3.0 is not laggy enough with poor battery performance.

I use it occassionally with Pandora + a game. I haven't noticed poorer performance in terms of speed or battery life with 3.0.
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