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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 26, 2008
Ok while downloading the 3.0 software update, I began to backup my iPhone. But the last 2 times i tried, it would stop about halfway. So when the download was done it was backing up the phone. And it froze at about halfway. Should I unplug it and try it again? Or should I unplug and try to Shift+Restore to the files? If so where are they saved.

Update: Ok so in about 30 seconds backingt up boosted and started again. Then a minute later it stopped and Gave me an error sying something like 'The iPhone activation servers are down' :(
Glad (for lack of a better word) to see I am not the only one suffering from this. Although the two times I have tried to backup, it has more or less stalled around 5% to 10% complete.

Where would I find the previous backup files to try what is mentioned above?
I have no idea what any of you guys are talking about.

I successfully DL'ed and installed 3.0, played with it a bit, and now this is my second time syncing after I downloaded the updates to a bunch of Apps on iTunes and now it seems stuck at 1/4th the way for the past 20 min.

I didn't get any notice to clean install my phone when it was updated soo I assume it just restored from back-up.
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