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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 19, 2006
I'm looking for a non-flashy backpack for my MBP 17"

I'm a college student and got the laptop paid for out of a summer work contract. I'll be carrying it around campus and will need room for maybe a couple of textbooks, notebooks and a ti83. I don't want a bag that screams laptop within, please steal!!! (i.e. those bags that are flashy or have a label like targus, incase, samsonite, etc. i'll remove the tags if i do buy one) The swissgear backpack seems to be the most common bag around campus but it seems they dont make one for the 17".

I went to the Apple Store Nashville and the only bags in the store were the hiking style incase bags which reminded me of the huge senate rollerblade bag i had in high school (ick) and they wanted $100 for it? INSANELY OVERPRICED. The apple store rep said well its for a $3200 laptop... guess they think if youll pay through the nose for silly bag? I was hoping to find a incase bag with the single cross chest strap like a friend of mine has for his 12" powerbook. I've searched the apple store online, and misc other sites without much luck. Suggestions?

trying to remain inconspicuous on campus (on a budget)
not sure about a specific backpack, but what i will say is that a cheap backpack is fine as long as you have a very good sleeve around the laptop. its kind of the best of both worlds; the laptop is protected pretty well and you have a non-computer-baggy looking bag its inside of.

having said that, i have owned super cheap bags and expensive bags, and in my opinion a well made expensive bag (as opposed to just a "brand name" bag thats expensive because of the logo on it) is money well spent.
shecky & wrc, i was thinking the same about maybe just a sleve but then i was thinking i could use the laptop slot as a double for books when not carrying the llaptop.

I found these last night after an exhaustive search.

The pricing is pretty reasonable but not quite sure if they will fit or not fit. rules, i ordered a Western Digital MyBook Pro 500gb the other day for nearly $70 off! Planning on trying some retail stores that carry these to see if it will fit. I've never heard or seen a samsonite bag taht cant take a licking. I'll follow up with my findinds.
Try finding the Ogio Metro bag! It's great! The quality is awesome, and it fits plenty of books and your laptop into one great bag. I got mine for 22 dollars through the bookstore at my school, but I was dating the owner of that store, so I'm sure she gave me a little discount. But seriously, great bag!! I've had mine for 4 years now, much longer than the relationship lasted...;-)
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