I'm looking for a backpack recommendation for my camera equipment. I have an over the shoulder bag that's a real pain and becoming too crowded. Here is some of the gear that I like to bring with me:
- Canon 7D
- Canon 15-85 IS
- Canon 70-200 F4 IS
- Sigma 30 mm 1.4
- Canon 50 mm 1.8
- Canon 480 EX II
- 2 x Nikon SB-28
- 2 Diffusers
- Cactus v4 triggers
- lens hoods (for both canon zooms & sigma)
- Misc stuff (extra battery, charger, AA batteries, sync cords)
I also wouldn't mind the ability to hitch this stuff to the side somehow (all bundled together):
- 2-3 Manfrotto Nano light stands
- 1-2 folding umbrellas with shoe mount adapters
Lastly, if there was some sort of extra pouch for random stuff, because my wife is usually with me, either as my subject or just as a companion, and she likes to add random things into my bags. I also would like a bag big enough to hold either the Canon 100-400 or Sigma 150-500 OS because I rent the Canon sometimes and I am considering buying one of them; however, they would only be included in scenarios that had zero lighting gear (for things like airshows, zoo, nature hikes, etc where I usually have no plans at using off camera flash).
Anybody have any suggestions or backpacks they use to carry a bunch of gear? I'm looking to spend less the $150, hopefully more like less then $125, but I'll take any suggestions. This backpack wouldn't be used to transport gear on airplanes. Thanks for the suggestions!!
P.S. Yes I have googled, but I want the opinion of MR members