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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2024

I have a huge Dropbox folder on my MacBook Pro.
It's located in:
Macintosh ID > Users > 'my user' > Dropbox > .....

Since this folder is not located in 'Documents' it's not synced to
I've seen that in I can select a specific file to upload but I cannot select a specific folder to sync.

I've also seen I could open 'finder', locate the folder I want to sync (in my case the folder Dropbox) then drag it on the left side over iCloud Drive.
unfortunately, this would change the location of my Dropbox folder, from 'Macintosh ID > Users > 'my user' > Dropbox' to iCloud Drive folder.
This is something I don't want.

Is there a solution to my problem?

I know I could zip the whole Dropbox folder and then copy it into but I am looking for a real-time sync, not just once.



macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
I just did a web search, and apparently this cannot be done. I had DropBox once but moved everything to iCloud and have been very happy.

Rich B22

macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2019

I have a huge Dropbox folder on my MacBook Pro.
It's located in:
Macintosh ID > Users > 'my user' > Dropbox > .....

Since this folder is not located in 'Documents' it's not synced to
I've seen that in I can select a specific file to upload but I cannot select a specific folder to sync.

I've also seen I could open 'finder', locate the folder I want to sync (in my case the folder Dropbox) then drag it on the left side over iCloud Drive.
unfortunately, this would change the location of my Dropbox folder, from 'Macintosh ID > Users > 'my user' > Dropbox' to iCloud Drive folder.
This is something I don't want.

Is there a solution to my problem?

I know I could zip the whole Dropbox folder and then copy it into but I am looking for a real-time sync, not just once.

I don't use iCloud for backing up anything, so am not intimately familiar with it, however, wouldn't it be possible to have the Dropbox folder physically sit in the iCloud Drive folder, and then create either an alias or symbolic link to it and put that link where you want it? You could also do the same if you put it into Documents, so that according to your post, iCloud would back it up.
Good luck with whatever you wind up doing
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