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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 10, 2016

I'm new to the forum. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this question.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I had my iPhone 6 replaced under warranty. I attempted to restore from an iCloud backup, and the restoration missed a lot of the pictures on my camera roll. My bad for trying from over a connection that probably wasn't the greatest. I don't want to have to start over again, I've just cleaned up the contents of my Photos app and I have carried on from there. I hadn't had the original phone long, so there wasn't a huge amount on it. Most of the lost pictures had been uploaded to Flikr or had been copied to my PC, so I did have copies of them somewhere. However, there is one video that didn't get uploaded, nor is it on my Windows PC anywhere. I do have backups from my iPhone 6 on the PC, however, which I had done through iTunes when the original iPhone 6 was going through its death throes.

I was looking into backup extractors and I figured that would be the easiest way to get at my video. I just want to make sure whichever software I choose is from a trustworthy source. I have downloaded iBackup Extractor from Wide Angle Software. Things I look for in deciding whether or not a software company is credible is information on their website such as a physical address and telephone number, and this company does have that. Has anyone else here used this software, and if so, how has your experience been with it? Or is there one that is better?

Thank you.
Hi, thank you for your response.

I ended up downloading and actually purchasing iBackup Extractor by Wide Angle Software. After running it, I found that I had lost more videos than I had thought, so for me the purchase cost was worth it to have those videos back without having to start from scratch, wiping and restoring my iphone and then possibly having that not work properly anyway.
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