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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 12, 2002
Where the air is crisp
what is the easiest way to make a backup of large folders on multiple disks ? For example, my iTunes library is over 10gigs (legal :), what are my options other than manually divide it into 4.7gig chunks that fit on DVD ?

I have read something about 'Backup', some software that .mac users get. I am not going to sign up just for that, is there anything else out there, any other commercial software or shareware ? I thought there was a way to create disk images like that, but I can't figure it out at the moment... hmmmm... any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks for the suggestions. I have some reading to do...

BTW, regarding .mac: I guess that 'backup' software only works as long as you have a .mac account, right ?
Dantz Retrospect is the finest backup application for Mac, but even Aladdin Stuffit 8.0 will do the job now for simple, mindless backups.
if you are just backing up songs, itunes will do it for you. Go to itunes preferences then click on burning. Select data cd or dvd. Make a playlist with all your songs, then click burn. Itunes will ask for a new disc when its ready, and save all you id3 tags. When you copy them back to the mac, make sure you let itunes sort your music for you.

This worked great for me when i formatted to install panther. good luck.
Originally posted by etoiles
thanks for the suggestions. I have some reading to do...

BTW, regarding .mac: I guess that 'backup' software only works as long as you have a .mac account, right ?

You can however retrieve the data from a .Mac backup without the backup application. I believe it's just a disk image. The only thing backup does for you is replace old files with new ones for you. So you won't lose data if you cease to have .Mac. You just won't be able to backup in the same fashion.
Originally posted by kuyu
if you are just backing up songs, itunes will do it for you.

I didn't even try, never thought this would be so simple. I am gonna try it as soon as I get my blank DVD's.

Using a PC for too long makes my mind go all cloudy, I guess. ;)

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