I tried to back up Caralina but when i tried to start it in start up disc it just showed Mojava it did backup how did it back up Mojava?
the backup i used showed 10.14 i had all ways used this drive for all my backups anoyjrt thing is it said it was bootable ,i tried it on other drives none of them said Bootable in the get info?
i deleted all the back ups on the the 10.14 drive i used for backups and hoped i could use the drive again for Backups but it said not bootable?
Is this all to do with that APFS? Do i have to change the backup drive to APFS?
I Prefered the old system HFS system
It might be better for APPLE but not me.I have a new Seagate drive i am hoping for the best.
I hope someone can help me out here ,as very few of my problems i post on here get answered
Would i be better off getting Carbon Copy Cloner? I have just done my first backup with my new drive,still not showing in start up disc and not showing 10.15
How can i enable BOOTABLE IN THE DRIVE?