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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 9, 2019
I tried to back up Caralina but when i tried to start it in start up disc it just showed Mojava it did backup how did it back up Mojava?:(the backup i used showed 10.14 i had all ways used this drive for all my backups anoyjrt thing is it said it was bootable ,i tried it on other drives none of them said Bootable in the get info?:(i deleted all the back ups on the the 10.14 drive i used for backups and hoped i could use the drive again for Backups but it said not bootable?:(Is this all to do with that APFS? Do i have to change the backup drive to APFS?:(I Prefered the old system HFS system:)It might be better for APPLE but not me.I have a new Seagate drive i am hoping for the best.:)I hope someone can help me out here ,as very few of my problems i post on here get answered :(Would i be better off getting Carbon Copy Cloner? I have just done my first backup with my new drive,still not showing in start up disc and not showing 10.15 :(How can i enable BOOTABLE IN THE DRIVE?
IIRC Time Machine are not bootable.
Time Machine on external drive requires HFS. APFS would not work
So yes if you want bootable, use CCC or SuperDuper. If you use CCC you can format the external drive as APFS

A good strategy can be to have 2 external backup drives:
1 Time Machine not bootable
1 CCC bootable
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But it did before when i had HFS Mojava it was in the start up disc .Thanks for that Junkw :)
But shouldn.t the drive show 10.15 Like it did with the old back up Mojava 10.14?
To Junkw i did have two partitions one with TM .back up The other one for other stuff.
i did get the the TM on the start up disc in system Preferences it was HFS :) What about the question of 10.15 not showing on my latest back up, but it had it on my Mojave ?
I did it with HFS and let TM do it stuff. I just done a back up with ccc like Junkw suggested with APFS works fine why don,t they make TM work with APFS?
Weaselboy can i ask you . a question about Winclone 8 why don,t they have any coupons for it?And why isn,t there a uk site for it?i clicked buy it and the price that came up was more than the price they said it was? :(
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Why have they taken off the app that let you chose when to back up on here?
I only do basic stuff on here.So only need to back up every two or three weeks .
Weaselboy can i ask you . a question about Winclone 8 why don,t they have any coupons for it?And why isn,t there a uk site for it?i clicked buy it and the price that came up was more than the price they said it was?
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar at all with Winclone.

I'm wondering if the fact that you have multiple partitions on the Time Machine disk is the reason Catalina did not put a recovery volume on there though.
I have got a new Seegate 6TB drive .I have done TM backup on there it has container disc on there.i never had a container disc on 10.14.
On the CCC one it has a data one to,i take it that is to do with APFS.
I have four partitions on there.
I have got a new Seegate 6TB drive .I have done TM backup on there it has container disc on there.i never had a container disc on 10.14.
On the CCC one it has a data one to,i take it that is to do with APFS.
I have four partitions on there.
Catalina is indeed much more complicated than previous issues of MacOS.
I do not understand why people jump to it so quickly instead of using a previous MacOS and wait a while.
If one buys a new computer where Catalina is already there then he has to use it.
In every other situation to jump right now to it is looking for trouble.
Maybe other people do not agree. It is just my personal opinion.
My MP 6.1 is now in Mojave 10.14.6 and I intend to leave it so as long as possible.
a question about Winclone 8 why don,t they have any coupons for it?And why isn,t there a uk site for it?i clicked buy it and the price that came up was more than the price they said it was? :(
Regarding Winclone you do not need a UK site for it. You can download it, try it and if you are satisfied pay for it to get a serial.
Few software makers keep branches in every country since downloading and paying are perfectly possible to do online from almost any country.
You are right there :( I went in there to quick ,unfortunately i deleted all the backups, i did a back up of Catlina but it backed up Mojave very weird.o_Oi agree with you there Riwam.
HFS is still used by TM, as mentioned. and HFS is faster when using spindle drives.
APFS is geared toward SSD.
Read somewhere on Bombich I think that fo now Startup Disk pref does not show OS versions.
Glad you bought it. SuperDuper isn't ready yet.
I did not know that about HFS being more for spindle hard drives. CCC is free. :)
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