Lion has changed how Apple ID's are authenticated. They are sending UUID info from the built-in Ethernet ports. If your ethernet ports stop working like mine did some time ago, you are stuck with Leopard or you're going to have to replace the motherboard.
I called Apple and their solution to the problem is the go backwards in OS to fix the problem without having to replace the motherboard. A company that strides to be the latest and advancing in technology is advising to go backwards. To compound already mounting capabilities issues with software and hardware in the future. The solution to accessing "The App Store", a service that Apple is gearing to be the soul place to purchase Apple software, is to replace functioning hardware or go backwards to an OS that is no longer being updated.
I have a Mac Pro with bad ethernet ports not a Mac Pro that needs the motherboard replaced. The Mac Pro, by design, is expandable and can except a PCI-E ethernet card which fixed my internet access problem. Now because of Apple's new way to stop people from stealing software, this is unacceptable. Apple has tied Hardware to a online SERVICE. I'm not talking about coupling hardware to software purchases after the fact, I'm talking about coupling hardware to a service before you can even purchase. I can no longer access my purchased items nor purchase anything new. What other options does someone have in this position,.. Piracy? Oh wait, I thought this was to prevent piracy.
I called Apple and their solution to the problem is the go backwards in OS to fix the problem without having to replace the motherboard. A company that strides to be the latest and advancing in technology is advising to go backwards. To compound already mounting capabilities issues with software and hardware in the future. The solution to accessing "The App Store", a service that Apple is gearing to be the soul place to purchase Apple software, is to replace functioning hardware or go backwards to an OS that is no longer being updated.
I have a Mac Pro with bad ethernet ports not a Mac Pro that needs the motherboard replaced. The Mac Pro, by design, is expandable and can except a PCI-E ethernet card which fixed my internet access problem. Now because of Apple's new way to stop people from stealing software, this is unacceptable. Apple has tied Hardware to a online SERVICE. I'm not talking about coupling hardware to software purchases after the fact, I'm talking about coupling hardware to a service before you can even purchase. I can no longer access my purchased items nor purchase anything new. What other options does someone have in this position,.. Piracy? Oh wait, I thought this was to prevent piracy.