Hi, I have had multiple bad experiences with Apple Business team. I would really like to complain, but I don't whether to send my letter to my local business team or someone higher up (like regional, but I dont have their email). Any thoughts?
Business team screw ups
-told me my Applecare doesn't apply to monitor at time of computer purchase. Found this was false and they wouldn't apply it. They did something weird at the register so it was "two purchases"
-told me to forgo my student discount so I could get Business discounts at $5000. Found out later discounts were at 3 and 5000. Still, no one has told me the amount of discount, and I haven't received them anyways even though I am past these markers (lots of upgrades in the family this year)
-I was told spending discounts were lifetime, then later that they had to be annually renewed...eg I had to spend $5000 a year to get a discount
-Business team member told me "all the old MacbookPros were real quadcore". Seriously?
-Apparently money spent only goes toward your Business accounts goals if you drive to the store and order there. I bought a computer online, so since I didn't know that, they screwed me out of $1000 towards my totals.
Business team screw ups
-told me my Applecare doesn't apply to monitor at time of computer purchase. Found this was false and they wouldn't apply it. They did something weird at the register so it was "two purchases"
-told me to forgo my student discount so I could get Business discounts at $5000. Found out later discounts were at 3 and 5000. Still, no one has told me the amount of discount, and I haven't received them anyways even though I am past these markers (lots of upgrades in the family this year)
-I was told spending discounts were lifetime, then later that they had to be annually renewed...eg I had to spend $5000 a year to get a discount
-Business team member told me "all the old MacbookPros were real quadcore". Seriously?
-Apparently money spent only goes toward your Business accounts goals if you drive to the store and order there. I bought a computer online, so since I didn't know that, they screwed me out of $1000 towards my totals.