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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2004

Whenever I use my Roland keyboard to trigger the software instruments (via midi) in Garageband, I have severe latency/lag problems (so bad that sometimes it skips notes altogether). I am not sure how to correct this. Can anybody help? I have an iBook 800 mghz processor, 640 megs RAM. I am using an M-Audio 410 Firewire audio interface and a Roland ep7ii as a midi controller. I have already tried optimizing (reducing buffering) and direct hardware monitoring through the M-Audio Firewire 410. I don't think it's a monitoring issue anyway as the notes actuallly get recorded the same way they sound (which is quite terrible). I know using the software instruments require a lot of processing power so I tried using a firend's Powrboook (1gig processor) to do the same thing and there was no difference. I have also noticed that there is absolutley no delay/latency at all if I use Gragaband's on-screen keyboard to trigger the same software instruments so this makes me think the problem lies not with my computer or with Garageband but somewhere in my M-Aduio Firewire 410 or with my keyboard.

I am switching to Logic as soon as it comes out but not sure if this will make any difference.

Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions would be appreciated!
I've noticed the same thing at times with my Kurzweil KME-61, but not so bad. It doesn't happen too much, but then I don't usually play too many notes at once. I think it has to do with the CPU load, so I've gotten around it by turning off the scrolling and minimizing the song as much as possible. I then go to an empty space in the window while I'm recording the part, like after the ending so that the CPU is not rendering so much. I don't get to see my performance show up on screen, but I don't like to focus on looking at the screen anyway, so that's no big deal. I've also heard that if you take your recorded software tracks and drag them into a real instrument track, that also reduces the load.
But maybe I'm way off...then again GB is only $49, so a few limitations are a fair trade off I guess.
GB is a great app. But it is low-end, low cost. I think the plan is to get you into the whole music production on your mac, and hopefully selling you logic afterwards.
You can bug apple for a patch/update or something, coz im sure the error in with GB.
I have the m-audio 410 and it works great with logic 6. There is no virtually no latency when I´m playing midi in logic. I`ve tried several keyboards and they all work fine. They also worked fine on my old iBook G3 800/384ram.
I`m using a g4 iBook now. The only time I notice any latency is when I play my gibson directly into the 410 and into logic. But it`s only a microsecond, so it doesn`t affect your playing. Besides, I usually just play through my marshall and mic it up, is way better than any virtual amp will ever be.

I think you should talk to apple about this, coz the hardware works fine with other apps.
g4 vs g3 settings

I just got garageband today and experimented alot with it. I have the same audio interface as you (410), the only difference is that I have the G4 iBook. in the system prefs there is a g4 or g3 selector. If this is set to g3 on my iBook, there is latency, but when set to g4, there is none. Maybe you should experiment with this. You are supposed to get lower lag/latency if you put the selection on g4, and even though you don`t have a g4 processor, i would try it if i where you.

There is nothing wrong eith the 410 itself, and now after playing with the GB app, I think what I said in my previous post (maybe GB has errors.. go bug apple about it..), was wrong. It is probably the settings.

Maybe your computer just isn`t strong enough? in that case i recomend getting logic express. 300-400 $ is not to bad. remember that logic is PROaudio while GB is more amateur. you can record alot more and make it sound incredible. And most important. It works great on a G# iBook with 800mhz nd 384 ram, so you shoulden`t have a problem there.

Good luck

Hey thanks- I do have a G4 in fact, I just got it, and there is no option for running in g3 or g4 (are you using OS9?) anyway, I spoke with some people at the Apple store and appently it is a RAM issue, as in, I don't have enough . . . I just got Logic though so we'll see how it goes!

Thanks again,
Hi again. I`m sorry. When I wrote my last post, i had not upgraded GB. It USED to be a G3/G4 selector in the preffs. NOW it`s changed into a buffer-size selector. But it`s the same button. Preferences/audio/midi and then select if you waqnt low latency or many simlutaneous tracks. My GB is in norwegian so I`m not 100% on what it says but thats the general function the selector has. Check it out and you will get less latency.

If you have a G4 than logic will run smooth as silk. It is the best promusic app in th world, I think. (Better than protools I think.)

Good luck

what harddrive you got? BTW I would recommend tracktion ovr garageband anyday. its forum's at and you can google the website. it's simple like gb, but fully featured. Mackie bought it from the programmer but he still develops it ind.!!
Same problem -- must be Garageband

I've been having he same midi lag problem with a new Powerbook G4 1 Ghz/512Mb RAM/OS X Panther/M-Audio Firewire 410 (w/the latest driver)/Studiologic SL-880 midi controller. In Garageband only the first couple of notes are in time, then the lag is awful. I have the lower buffer size option highlighted as well. I've been on the phone with M-Audio and Apple to no avail. Apple suggested that I reinstall the OS and driver (I didn't). I was starting to get really frustrated with my new Powerbook, as all I've heard is how awsome Macs are for music applications. Anyway, today I downloaded the Reaktor synth demo from the Native Instruments web site and voila! Everything plays in time and sounds awsome. I already own Sampletank, which I was hoping to use in Garageband, but I guess I'm going to have to invest in Logic Express or Cubase SE. Anyway, it sure sounds to me like Apple needs to tweak their Garageband program a bit.
gb just isnt that good.

Gb is ok for making notes (recording a very basic idea), and afterwards, you should record the final project in another app. (cubase,logic, protools)

I`ve been trying alot of stuff with GB and it keeps letting me down. can´t play thaht many tracks at once an other lame messages, while I can run 48 tracks in logic without problems on the very same computer. This is NOT a osx, or hardware problem, GB just demands to much from your computer, and is not worth the effort.

I`m not aying that you can`t get good results in GB, but such an app should run alot smoother. Keep working on those updates, Apple...
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