I think it must just be Murphy's law or my bad luck, but I was all ready for my MacBook to get here today since the status said it was on the truck for delivery. I was waiting and waiting for the delivery person to knock on my door and for me to get my macbook. I finally hear the door knock. Could this be it?! Nope. It was my neighbor from the apartment below me with my door tag. The darn delivery person went to the back of the building, which only has doors for the lower floor apartments and left the tag there. I wish I could pick it up, but I don't feel like driving 100 miles round trip just to go pick it up. I just got off the phone with FedEx and made sure to give them specific instructions on where to go, so hopefully they won't screw up again tomorrow. I've never had this problem with UPS. At least they know where to go, and if they miss me there is a local office to pick up packages. This has made me even more anxious to get my MacBook.