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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 2, 2004
I'm relatively sure there are other threads on this... but the D700 (which I crave) is almost 2 years old now, so would holding out for the D800/D700x make sense?


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2008
Maybe a better question is: "if I bought the D700 now, and a D800 were released in August that had features I didn't need, would I regret overpaying for the D700 now as opposed to buying one after the D800 is released?"

CK Williams

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2008
Las Vegas
It all hinges on your needs. If the rumors are correct, the D700 replacement will be announced soon. If it were me, I'd wait to see if the new version had features I couldn't live without. If not, it would be a better time to purchase the D700 as the prices should drop a little. If you are looking to purchase it with a lens you might want to consider buying now as the Nikon instant rebates are only good to around June 26th (don't recall the exact dates).

It would surprise me if the replacement took a very big MP jump and is more likely to increase the ISO range.


macrumors regular
Jan 17, 2005
Spokane, WA
Well, you can play the "something might get launched" game a long time. Yes, the newer model may get released, for all I know it may be released soon even. On the other hand camera bodies don't seem to age the way a computer or the latest smart phone does. Unless there's a particular feature you need and are waiting for I see little point in waiting to update. Just me though, take it with a grain of salt.

SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
Ask yourself this:

Does the D700 have all the features I want now?

Yes: Buy one and forget about it.

No: What are the chances the next gen. camera will have those features?

Good: wait and see.

Bad/None: is the current D700 the next best thing for your needs?

Yes: Buy one

No: Why did you even consider the D700 at all?

In all seriousness, the D700 is one monster of a performer. I'm not sure I'd be happy with anything else right now since the D700 will readily out perform me, and I like the sweet spot it hits for body size in a Full Frame pro grade camera. If a D800 is announced tomorrow, I won't lose any sleep over it because I have much more camera than I can make full use of, and more camera than I probably need right now. I've got a lot of growing as a photographer (or maybe just a SLR user) before I can ever realistically entertain upgrading.



macrumors 65816
Oct 15, 2007
The only problem is something is released that has features you didn't think you needed until you realized you could use them. Case in point being that I bought an XSi as a DSLR and the the TLi came out which has video support. Now, I can safely say that I don't have a NEED for video but now looking back on it I do wish I had video and do have some times that I would have used that feature. I haven't changed bodies yet, but it was a slight disappointment that I wasn't expecting so you can never know. So, if you CAN wait, why not? Just to cloud your decision :)

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
If you want to know what the D700 replacement probably looks like, just look at the D3s. So that basically means a slightly better sensor and video, and you'll be paying a several hundred dollar premium.

I think there's no point in waiting unless you care about video. I can't imagine most people will be able to take advantage of the improved low-light performance - the D700 is amazing already. We're at the point of significantly diminished returns in that department.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
I'm relatively sure there are other threads on this... but the D700 (which I crave) is almost 2 years old now, so would holding out for the D800/D700x make sense?

What's the normal time from announcement to availability and what images would you not get to take if you waited that long?



macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
Ok, well the D700 will either be replaced this or next year. It all depends on you actually, do you need it now? Will waiting a few more months effect you? Seriously, only you can answer that question.

If it's me, I'll wait so that I wont regret with my purchase. I'm fine if the product update is 1 more year but if its within 3 months, I'll wait.

Good luck on ur whatever purchase ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
well...there isn't a bad time to purchase a d700 :)

I would seriously question any "new" features that would make a huge difference.
Sure resolution is one thing but thats it.
But even now, up to 8fps continuos shooting, full frame, awesome low light performance, good weather sealing... how could you justify waiting if you would have a ned for it now? The argument goes that you could wait and wait, and then the next model is a disappointment and you wait... and you end up buying a second hand D700?

I don't know, but the argument about the features that you will use when you have them.... unless you are a videographer and buy the cameras specifically for the Video feature its a novelty which wears off FAST. the file size and the fact that you have to manage the videos and edit them for once time viewing (mostly), kind of makes me shy away. No doubt that the videos look nice, i used to have a 5dmk2 and the hd video was awesome...haven't watched the videos i shot with it since.. they were MASSIVE files.
Yes its nice but you use it less and less after the initial wow effect.

Case in point: if you want one, buy one and live with it. I'd argue it will take you well into the next upgrade cycle to learn how to manage that camera anyway... :)
Its a great cam and I think now would be a good time to fish for deals where you get the battery grip with the cam, get the most for your money :)

my 2 c

Lone Deranger

macrumors 68000
Apr 23, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
I recently picked up a second hand D700 from Map Camera in Shinjuku/Tokyo fully aware that the camera had been out for sometime and that a new version could arrive soon. I have no regrets whatsoever. The camera is fantastic and an absolute joy to use.

El Cabong

macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2008
The word "need" is getting thrown around a lot in this thread. I think that if there was a real need for the D700 by the OP, this thread wouldn't exist (nor would the word "crave" have been used as a descriptor of his feelings about the camera) because he would have purchased it by now.

If you're concerned enough about features and newness to have held out this long on getting a D700, do yourself a favor and just wait for the new model. Head off that buyer's remorse at the pass, instead of waiting for it to hit you whenever the D800 or whatever comes out. Tide over your Nikon Acquisition Syndrome with a new lens purchase for your already adequate-for-your-purposes DSLRs, if you really feel the need to spend money.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 2, 2004
The word "need" is getting thrown around a lot in this thread. I think that if there was a real need for the D700 by the OP, this thread wouldn't exist (nor would the word "crave" have been used as a descriptor of his feelings about the camera) because he would have purchased it by now.

Actually, not true (that I would have purchased it by now). The D700 is a pricey piece of machinery, and I'm in a position to afford it more easily now than other times. I've rented it on several occasions from Adorama and have absolutely loved it, namely because I photograph concerts and lighting conditions are always brutal and the D700 performed like a champ (it's just in a completely different league from my D300). I'm certain that I would have brought it a long time ago if I could have afforded it.

However, I can see the 12.1 MP sensor being a bit limiting in the future, and a 20+ MP upgrade can't be that far away. I suppose my question was how immanent that next upgrade is.

That said, thoughts on the performance of the D700 v. possible upgrade are always welcome.

CK Williams

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2008
Las Vegas
A significant increase in MP (20+) for the D700 replacement comes with some major drawbacks, the ISO range and cost. Look at the D3s vs the D3x. I would prefer 12-14 MP with ISO 100K+ to 24 MP and ISO 1600 (especially for concerts/indoors).


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 2, 2004
A significant increase in MP (20+) for the D700 replacement comes with some major drawbacks, the ISO range and cost. Look at the D3s vs the D3x. I would prefer 12-14 MP with ISO 100K+ to 24 MP and ISO 1600 (especially for concerts/indoors).

I suppose. It's apparent that the D800 (or whatever it is) will have comparable features as the 5D Mk II, which has a 21.1 MP sensor. Has the 5D Mk II's high ISO performance suffered with the MP boost?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
I suppose. It's apparent that the D800 (or whatever it is) will have comparable features as the 5D Mk II, which has a 21.1 MP sensor. Has the 5D Mk II's high ISO performance suffered with the MP boost?

Arguably against the D700 yes. I owned both and from my shooting I would say the 5d mark 2's ISO performance is WOW compared to the 5D and other Canon offerings, but it just won't reach the D700's.

But thats just my opinion...

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I wouldn't bet on the D700's replacement being higher megapixel anyway. If they follow their usual practice regarding pro cameras, Nikon will release an "s" version that'll have the newest 12MP sensor (e.g. D700s or whatever) and then an "x" version with a higher megapixel sensor (e.g. D700x).
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