Hi there, I;m a long time lurker and can't find any other threads with this problem.
Since I downloaded 3.0 on my iPhone 3G I have been having problems.
Unresponsive screen
Slow typing making texting/email almost impossible (and general slow everything)
No ringer when someone calls despite it being on the loudest setting
When I do answer I can't hear anything the other end.
The keyboard randomly appearing on the home menu.
The option to back up is missing from iTunes.
And thats just a few of the issues.
If I hard restore (the home button and off button together thing I think) the phone temporary doesn't have the issues.
I took my phone and MacBook Pro into my local Apple who said it was probably a bug so I had to reset up my phone as a new phone.
Ok... The issues started again. This time they could see my phone would not back up so they gave me a brand new one.
It's happening again!
Could anyone shed any light on this please? As I have another appointment at the Genius Bar but they are adamant its not my iTunes and I must be really really unlucky with phones
Since I downloaded 3.0 on my iPhone 3G I have been having problems.
Unresponsive screen
Slow typing making texting/email almost impossible (and general slow everything)
No ringer when someone calls despite it being on the loudest setting
When I do answer I can't hear anything the other end.
The keyboard randomly appearing on the home menu.
The option to back up is missing from iTunes.
And thats just a few of the issues.
If I hard restore (the home button and off button together thing I think) the phone temporary doesn't have the issues.
I took my phone and MacBook Pro into my local Apple who said it was probably a bug so I had to reset up my phone as a new phone.
Ok... The issues started again. This time they could see my phone would not back up so they gave me a brand new one.
It's happening again!
Could anyone shed any light on this please? As I have another appointment at the Genius Bar but they are adamant its not my iTunes and I must be really really unlucky with phones