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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2012
This is confusing. I'm a LONG time Mac user - my first Mac Plus in 1986 and dozens and dozens since. Used to sell and support Macs for a living so I like to think I know what I'm doing, but this is... baffling.

So, MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019).

Monterey 12.1

So I use the machine at work with a USB c dock that includes ethernet, and wifi is switched off. I come home, open it up and it hangs after I've put my password in, with the progress bar at like 70%. Started it in single user verbose and it seems to hang on:

'skip attaching fsw to bridge0'

Even reinstalled the OS from recovery last night, that overcame it but same issue again this evening. Finally attached another usb c ethernet dongle I have, connected it to the ethernet on my home router, what do you know, booted. Turned on wifi, removed the dongle, rebooted, no issue.

So as long as I remember to switch on wifi BEFORE shutting down that will be fine I guess, but what on earth is going on here? Normally it would boot at home, with no wifi on, and I then have to reconnect wifi.

Very clean install, no hacks or weird stuff, FCPX and so on, had it over 2 years with no issue. As it happens I have an M1 MBP as well
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