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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 5, 2006
Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while (school, lab, etc.) but I bought a D50 recently (so happy) and while I'm enjoying it thoroughly I haven't taken that many pictures with it. In large part, the reason is because I don't have a bag to take it places /some sort of protection for it and I'm apprehensive about it being hurt.

Here's my question: I'm a student so I have a backpack and I have a messenger bag. I really like the stuff I have but I know I don't have anything padded enough to keep my camera in. I was looking for a either:

A) A bag that'll hold my D50 + 12" Powerbook w/ space for a little more (but not crucial, the extra space).


B) I know my dad has this cool leather type case that fits over the front of his camera and clips to the back and seems very protective. I was thinking if I could get a case for the camera and a sleeve for the PB I would use them w/ the messenger bag or my backpack.

What do you guys think? I have looked around and I like some of the STM bags but I don't know if they'll fit the things I want. Oh! One thing I forgot to mention: I like shoulder bags/messenger bags and one that could be used to hold laptop + books for class when not in use as a camera + laptop bag would be ideal. Thanks, you guys rock.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 5, 2006
Also wanted to add that I've looked through a lot of the forum posts but most focus on the camera bag need as opposed to a multi-purpose bag need.

I also wanted to give you guys an idea of my tastes:

I like this (in Navy):

So I guess you could say I like the bold (orange lining) but in an understated way (lining as opposed to major color). I like this bag and while it's expensive I wouldn't mind that save that a) I'll still have the problem of having to protect my camera in another way and b) I don't know if it'll fit cam + PB w/o looking 'bulgy.'

I also like the Slingshot 100 but it's way too small for what I need.

I don't like the Crumpler bags but I may have to go that way (they look 'bulgy' and they don't have smooth lines in the way I'd like).
Edit: One additional thought - I've looked around more at the Crumpler site (had to turn the sound off for work lol, that was unexpected): Anyway, I really like the Brazillion Dollar Home BUT $280 is waaay more than I (poor Uni student) can afford. Something like that + cheaper is what I want. Any suggestions?


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
The lowepro stealth reporter has some of the things that you are asking for, but...the crumpler brazillion is my next purchase, so i have to's the best for what you want...

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I've looking for this too (in my case, though, it's a D70 and a 15" MBP). Crumpler has these "bucket" inserts that fit inside their messenger bags, but at least with my bag (Dreadful Embarrassment) they report that the bucket won't allow a laptop to fit in there at the same time - I wrote and asked. Pretty disappointing.

Those "wraps" look interesting, jayb2000 - do you use them? Are they enough protection in and of themselves, especially if used with a camera with an attached lens?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
Those "wraps" look interesting, jayb2000 - do you use them? Are they enough protection in and of themselves, especially if used with a camera with an attached lens?

I have not tested them yet. He says "20"x20" for bodies with lens attached, large lenses, large shoe mount strobes, 12"Powerbooks, etc. "

Looks like Domke makes wraps as well
I have a little old sigma bag like this

it just fits my D200 with the 18-200 lens and an SB600
Plus some batteries and cards and such.

But its a very tight fit and it does not leave room for a note pad &pen, sunglasses, gloves, etc.

I have a nice timbuk2 messenger bag so I was thinking about trying some of those wraps. Going to go to the photo store tomorrow and see how the look and feel.

Typically, I just want something to protect it until I get somewhere, and then it is always in my hand. :D

EDIT: I found this one, for the same price and the liner seems like an interesting idea. I have a gift certificate at amazon, so I am going to order one to try.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
and one that could be used to hold laptop + books for class when not in use as a camera + laptop bag would be ideal.[/b] Thanks, you guys rock.

And that's when it gets tricky......

I say get a Crumpler Sinking Barge (I have this one) or Customary Barge (I wish I had this one), or a Lowepro CompuRover

If all you wanted was a camera bag, then I was going to recommend the Lowepro Slingback (or was it called the Slingbag?) AW. It's supposed to be an incredible bag, and it only has 1 strap that you can wear as a semi-backpack/semi-messenger bag.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Typically, I just want something to protect it until I get somewhere, and then it is always in my hand. :D

EDIT: I found this one, for the same price and the liner seems like an interesting idea. I have a gift certificate at amazon, so I am going to order one to try.

Again, this looks like a really cool idea - I am appreciative that you pointed these out. I did not know about wraps!

My wife had a piece of scrap fabric that she cut to 20x20 for me, and I tried my D70 (with the 18-200 lens attached) in it. There is lots of room to spare. I think the 16x16 might work as well.

In an amazing bit of timing, I got an email from eBags about a sale they have going on this weekend. I decided to go for it, and ordered one each of the 20", 16", and 12" Roadwired wraps - total is $33 with free shipping. If they do the trick, I might order one of the David Honl wraps to compare. His sound superior, and long-term I want the best protection I can get for my camera at least; but the Roadwired wraps are less expensive for trying the concept out (and there are lots of comments on eBags about the wraps, with the vast majority being very positive).
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