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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 21, 2005
In 1995 Microsoft released the font Comic Sans originally designed for comic book style talk bubbles containing informational help text. Since that time the typeface has been used in countless contexts from restaurant signage to college exams to medical information. These widespread abuses of printed type threaten to erode the very foundations upon which centuries of typographic history are built.

While we recognize the font may be appropriate in a few specific instances, our position is that the only effective means of ending this epidemic of abuse is to completely ban Comic Sans.

We understand font selection is a matter of personal preference and that many people may disagree with us. Those who do not share our views should visit the Comic Sans Appreciation Society and the Illustrated History of Comic Sans.
this sounds like a case of going overboard on this a ban really required? personaly i would rather get rid of joker man font
poundsmack said:
this sounds like a case of going overboard on this a ban really required? personaly i would rather get rid of joker man font
Its a half hearted joke, there isnt going to be typohiles taking to the street in protest.
That would be hilarious to see though. :D

If you check out the Statistics page, and look at the projected Comic sans Usage graph, it becomes even more clear, this is all about having fun.

I have seen Comic Sans used innappropriately in "professional" mailers, the font was most innapropriate for the context. The font has its place, but far too often it is placed in the wrong hands.
MongoTheGeek said:
I hate fonts in general. Comic sans is a bad on. The only thing it has going for it is that it isn't Helvetica, the root of all evil.
Hate Fonts? Helvetica the root of all evil?

I would have to say that Quark is the root of all evil.

Ok, all better now....

I am a switcher...I used to use comic sans for MOST of my non-school related typing, but have since come to my senses and "switched" to arial and verenda. (hint: Apple "switch" ad spoof is in order for this very topic).
pinto32 said:

Ok, all better now....

I am a switcher...I used to use comic sans for MOST of my non-school related typing, but have since come to my senses and "switched" to arial and verenda. (hint: Apple "switch" ad spoof is in order for this very topic).
lol, no the 'dings are not to be for reading. :) If your into graphic design they are a great starting place to get ideas from, or when you just need a quick symbol of some sort. I have used the astrological symbols in a recent postcard series.
I agree with the point of the linked-to web site (Comic Sans is overused to the point of abuse), but I think the stuff extrapolated from that is completely unrealistic. Still, this thread made me laugh.
AAARRRGGGG! This thread is will be sending back into font-therapy. To many fonts, used incorrectly, make it stop. Oh the humanity! Next thing you know people will be mixing Times and Times New Roman in the same paragraph. Have you no shame people! :eek:
MongoTheGeek said:
The only thing it has going for it is that it isn't Helvetica, the root of all evil.

iGav said:
you surely jest :eek: :eek: :eek:

Crown Diva said:
Hate Fonts? Helvetica the root of all evil?

I would have to say that Quark is the root of all evil.

Helvetica is evil because there are so many versions that are slightly incompatible and or bastardized running around. And everyone assumes that everyone else that people have their version.

Why did the text overset?
The server didn't have the right version of the font.
I only used Helvetica... this point there is long conversation about how used Helvetica out of a different foundry or about how helvetica narrow condensed is not a standard weight or about how they are mixing and matching versions of the font leading to error messages and inconsistent results.

Quark is evil yes. It allows for a bunch of things that it shouldn't. Adobe isn't all sweetness and light either.

Honestly, I don't like fonts because it the thing the artists are most likely to get wrong and I hate telling people how to do their jobs. Especially people who have more experience than I do. I just want to curl up in my little hole and look at 9 pt monaco. Nice fixed pitch font with slashed 0's and I's that don't look like l's.
I saw a truck going down the road the other day and it had its logo in Comic Sans on the side.....thought it was a choice I wouldn't make and didn't think more on it - But now after looking at this, even if it is a bit of a joke, he's on to something....

I already do

Great thread. I am already boycotting comic sans, I hate that butt-ugly font. Glad I'm not the only one.

I agree, Helvetica sucks and Quark is evil. Why do we need Helvetica book, Helvetica roman, Helvetica Neue Book, Helvetica Neue Roman, etc. etc. It's the same damn font. Not to mention having duplicates in OS9 system fonts and OSX system fonts.
elizabeth said:
As a student teacher, i have to use comic sans for stuff to use in class, as it's "easier to read".
Presumably "easier" because it's less "formal", less "authoritarian". We don't want to frighten the little darlings with a nasty, pointy serif, now do we? :rolleyes:
Comic Sans became quite popular for a while, but I think it is heading out now. Fonts seem to have fads - they become popular for a while, then they die out. I've noticed Papyrus is gaining popularity these days. I see that font far too often these days.
skunk said:
Presumably "easier" because it's less "formal", less "authoritarian". We don't want to frighten the little darlings with a nasty, pointy serif, now do we? :rolleyes:

Of course not, we would rather feed them sloppily rounded shi**y font and let not only their minds be warped by their eyes as well. Books will hence-forth all be published in Comic Sans as well as all newspapers and magazines. All published materials, including those on the internet, are to be published using COMIC SANS! Takeover soon to commence....just after season 5 of 24 :p...I just gave away the topic actually. Terrorists hack the *insert fancy government agency* database and replace everything with COMIC SANS! ARGH!

Personally feeding kids Comic Sans at school is lesser to the pointed, nasty serif IMO. Afterall, we want the children to be pointed and have some tact don't we? :confused:

I'm not responsible either way, I haven't reproduced :D
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