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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 20, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
is there some useful bandwidth limiting app out there? i really need something to limit both upload and download (for individual programs and in general) which has a gui that i can understand.

i tried carrafix 2.7, but its barely functional. it doesn't really limit uploads unless you're using hotline. it doesn't limit downloads in this version. the gui is extremely buggy and doesn't save preference.

i also tried throttled, but gave up since i have no clue how to script it correctly.

is there anything out there that someone can recommend? i was using netlimiter on the pc, and am basically looking for something like that.
I feel your pain on carrafix, it doesn't work on 99% of the applications I need it to.

Throttled works well, if you install the dev tools and compile it yourself. Its a little tricky to setup since you need to know which ports NOT to block, but it works much better than Carrafix.

If anyone would happen to know another bandwidth throttler for OS X, I would love to know too. My D/L speed dies badly my DSL when my U/L maxes out.
or if someone knows an FAQ for throttled that would also be helpful. i'm not the most UNIX literate (i.e. i know about four commands and one of them is LS) so something that steps me through how to get it running (and how to turn it off) would be excellent.
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