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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 26, 2006
I am toying with the idea of buying the basic model imac - just 1 gig of ram,etc. Will it be fast enough for basic internet/word processing use?

Any issues with the 20" screen?

I know there will be an update shortly but "shortly" may well be not so shortly!!

Any help appreciated.
I am thinking of going the same route. I currently have a Macbook and a 24" display, but I have a 24" iMac at work that I love. I wanted to get the 24" iMac for home, but I now realize that the 24" display is really large for home use.
I have the 20 incher and I love it, have had no issues with the screen or speed. I did, however, use a custom color profile which greatly enhaced the LCD and its color.
If its not fast enough for running multiple programs with 1GB, the memory upgrade to 4GB only runs around $50 from OWC or NewEgg and its something you can do yourself in just a few minutes.
No, if the updated model is just around the corner.

Just my opinion, but I like to avoid buyer's remorse as much as possible.
The base iMac will do all that you said that you wanted it to do. I would update the RAM, but the base system would be fine for your needs.
I do suspect that there is about to be an update, but there is no real telling when that is going to be.
If you need one now the base iMac will be all you need.
I am toying with the idea of buying the basic model imac - just 1 gig of ram,etc. Will it be fast enough for basic internet/word processing use?

Any issues with the 20" screen?

I know there will be an update shortly but "shortly" may well be not so shortly!!

Any help appreciated.

Just so you know for internet and word processing 1.4GHz would be fine you don't need more exempt for gaming and movie editing etc. Actually the base model could probably play most games anyways...
I have the base model with 4GB of Kingston memory, dual channeled. Runs great, some minor slowdowns and lags if I'm doing something like importing a ton of songs to iTunes, or many large files, but that's about it.
I'm on a base model and I do everything on it(except play games) with no slowdowns or anything. Just up the RAM and the hard drive if you want and it's an awesome machine.

I upgraded my RAM to 2GB and I BTO'd it with a 500GB 7200RPM HD.
RAM will be your limiting factor and right now, DDR2 is almost free as far as computer components go.

I'd advise ordering the base model but also place a simultaneous order from Newegg or Macsales for a 4GB kit. They should arrive at nearly the same time and you'll be stylin'. Keep the Apple RAM in case you have trouble and need to return it for any kind of warranty work, so they can't point fingers at your "3rd party RAM" as the issue.

The 20" is a nice size for home use if you're tight on space. Personally, I bought a 24" monitor (for my MBP) about 7 months ago and love the added space that I get, but it's not a requirement. If you've got the money, I'd consider the 24" since the screen is something you cannot easily upgrade on an iMac, but either way, you'll be happy.

If its not fast enough for running multiple programs with 1GB, the memory upgrade to 4GB only runs around $50 from OWC or NewEgg and its something you can do yourself in just a few minutes.

One thing to remember: when the new iMac comes, RAM will not be cheap. It'll almost certainly use newer DDR3 RAM, which is 2-3X the price of DDR2 RAM right now.

I would still wait, since the new machines should be much better overall, but it's something to consider. If price is your biggest concern, I would wait for the new model and then buy a refurb dirt cheap. Refurb + cheap RAM would be a fantastic machine for a great price! :)
If you are just looking for one for basic functions, why not look at a used older mac? I just picked up one from somebody on craigslist for only $600, upgraded the RAM and it's awesome! I was originally going to get a brand new iMac, but then re-evaluated my needs and the white one is fabulous. ;)
I've had the 20" iMac for over a year now and it still does everything I need it to do. I have edited several HD video projects without any problems. A great value for the money if you don't want to spend more on the 24" version.
I have the 24" iMac and love it. My sisters went with the 20" and love theirs too. I just wanted a bigger screen. It is large but not too large for me. I agree with the others with upgrading your RAM. We all bought the minimum RAM and upgraded our own.
yes, the base model is great. Buy it as soon as a new one is released. They will drop the price on the few unsold ones left in inventory. You get the same computer for a couple hundred less. Just wait (a week? a month?) a while.
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