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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2006
Our family is going to visit all the major league ballparks the upcoming years. This year we are doing Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland. We have already attended a cool minor league ballpark. Here is a web page I set up. I used an XT with a Tamron 17-50 for the pics. Let me know what you think of the pics and the web page.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2006
Make sure you click on "Read More" to view the pictures from the stadium...


macrumors regular
Aug 8, 2007
Red Hook, NY
Have fun!

Sounds like a trip I'd like to make! (Also with my XT and Tamron 17-50)

Your wide shots inside the ballpark are the best of the bunch, especially as the sky got darker. I think the first exposure got fooled by the bright sky; the field is underexposed. But the dusk image is very nice. And the bridge is a very striking element to this great-looking park.

You might try taking better advantage of the minor league atmosphere... go down to the front row (between innings, perhaps) and shoot right up close to a batter in the on-deck circle or a pitcher warming up, get the rich blue sky and bridge in the background, and you'll have something very special. Or try dragging the shutter to capture motion.

Can you tell I'm jealous? Enjoy the project.

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