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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 30, 2018
I am looking for an alternative to photos on a Mac with a DAM. I am looking for something that will help me organize about 5000 photos as well as some duplicates.


It would help if you listed why Photos isn't working for you, since it is a basic DAM and free to boot.

Meanwhile, consider Adobe Bridge: it's free as well and a bit simpler than Photos (and is a browser, so you don't have to import).

I just got received a new to me Mac and I imported a ton of photos from iPhoto from an external HD and the photos are totally unorganized. I find Photos is hard to organized. I will look at Adobe Bridge.
Skylum has just released Luminar 3 with a DAM (of sorts; it's really more of a library/catalog). You might want to check that out. I am still using Luminar 2018, haven't tried out the new program yet so can't really provide detailed information about it.
I posted a similar question yesterday. I have continued using Aperture because I also find Photos difficult to organize. I will check out Luminar 3 and Adobe Bridge. I'm interested to hear additional thoughts from others on these or additional options. Thanks.
Adobe Bridge or if you’re willing to pay the photographer’s bundle, Lightroom is a very very good alternative to replace Photos outright.

If you end up enjoying the workflow within LR, you can extend that experience across all your devices with the mobile applications on iOS.

I am sure you probably already considered this option but I do recommend it if you’re willing to go through the initial learning curve.
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I like Lightroom. Its close to what I had with iPhoto as far as tagging. You really have to figure out how you want to organize your own photos. The other day I needed to find a photo on my external HD. My photos are organized each year in folders. Each photo group is tagged by year month city state event and people in the photos.

Which ever program you chose make sure you tag your images, this way you will be able to search them. My photos from 200? when I was using iPhoto I can still search because I tagged them. You can go back into your images and start tagging them if you haven't already.
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