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Laucian Nailor

macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 24, 2012
Hi, just a general question as I have just received my first Mac notebook.

I've bought my MBP with the hope that it will last me 3-5 years, so am naturally interested in battery lifespan. I've read a few threads which cover number of cycles during the lifetime and % of full charge to hope for at the 1000 cycle mark.

Quite some time off for me as yet, but interestingly following setting up my new MBP received today, I had a quick run through the system properties and found it was showing a cycle count of 4 straight out the box before even using the charger for the first time. :eek:

Is this usual?
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Don't worry about battery cycles, too many people get wrapped up on what their cycle count is and lose site of just using the laptop.

You'll know when the battery needs to be replaced, until then use and enjoy your laptop :)
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macrumors 601
Dec 14, 2010
Don't worry about battery cycles, too many people get wrapped up on what their cycle count is and lose site of just using the laptop.

You'll know when the battery needs to be replaced, until then use and enjoy your laptop :)

Agree with this - I used to get caught up in all that at first. Just enjoy your laptop rather then worry about the little things.


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Quite some time off for me as yet, but interestingly following setting up my new MBP received today, I had a quick run through the system properties and found it was showing a cycle count of 4 straight out the box before even using the charger for the first time. :eek:

Is this usual?
Yes, it's quite normal and not a cause for any concern. You can relax and just enjoy your Mac without worrying about the battery. Run on battery whenever you need to and plug it in whenever you can. You can plug or unplug any time you need to, regardless of the charged percentage, and you never need to completely drain your battery. Just make sure you don't run on AC power exclusively, as your battery needs to be used regularly to stay healthy.
The link below should answer most, if not all, of your battery/charging questions. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you take the time to read it.
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