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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 22, 2018
Hi guys,

I just encountered a strange battery drain issue on my 2017 13" MacBook Pro. Here's the story:
  • I used and charged the MacBook to 100%
  • I unplugged it and closed the lid
  • I came back to it a few hours later and then the battery was at 88%
I used iStat Menus to check the battery graph. Here's how it looks:

Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-13 um 23.06.12.png

The circled part (+ the empty part after that) is the time the MacBook was sleeping. Something strange: The red circled part did NOT show up at first. Only about after 1 minute it suddenly showed up.

Anyone has an idea what could have caused this issue and what I could do to prevent it for the future? iStat Menus unfortunately doesn't show what app/process used the energy in the circled area.

Thanks and best wishes

p. s. I'm running macOS 10.15.6 with the supplemental update.
Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 3.05.25 PM.png

I'm having the exact same problem, also running Catalina v.10.15.6. Here's a screenshot from Activity Monitor. The drop-off is a steady linear decrease regardless of whether the computer is awake or asleep. I tried creating a new user account, logged out of my normal one and into that one, with no effect. I also quit all possible culprit apps, again this didn't make any difference. My laptop is a MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2020), basically brand-new.

Yesterday it drained the battery completely while sleeping for around 10 hours.
Last edited:
Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 7.25.02 PM.png

And oddly, after charging to about 80%, the issue disappeared (for now at least). Another thing that I've noticed since this started is that the laptop takes approximately forever to wake from sleep. Not sure if that's related.
This subject keeps repeating here every few weeks and there were detailed instructions posted in prior ones. Basically, something is waking up your computer. You should do search in here for this subject and will find it. Google the web and there are long postings on line about how to try to figure it out, even with pictures...
You will need to use command pmset and find out what is waking your system. My notes from my own "fight" with this are that at the end this helped:
pmset -g log|grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake "
But it took some time and manual reading to understand more about the log. There is also wikipedia page for pmset, manual from Apple and even some explanations on line which sometime even make sense.

here are few lines from my overnight :
2020-08-12 21:29:47 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:70%) 7207 secs
2020-08-12 23:29:54 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:71%) 7214 secs
2020-08-13 01:30:11 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:70%) 7210 secs
2020-08-13 03:30:21 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:69%) 7214 secs
2020-08-13 05:30:35 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:69%) 5369 secs
2020-08-13 07:00:04 -0500 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Sleep Service Back to Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:69%) 2139 secs

Here system is woken up by Maintenance (aka Power nap). Nothing else is waking the syste, this is as good as it gets...

The trouble is, that sources of these issues are very different. Sometimes it is hanging iCloud sync process, sometimes some application, some even had bad BT mouse which kept waking the system. It is impossible to say what it is in your case. Repeating other people solution may help, if you are lucky - but more likely not. You may have something completely different wrong. Good luck, it is always exciting detective work.
Thank you for the reply Honza1 but I don't think that's the issue. The battery drain is constant whether the laptop is asleep or awake, as you can see from my Activity Monitor plot. That decline was probably half during wake times and half during sleep times. The CPU area of the machine is noticeably warm when this is happening. There's some process that's running continuously, wake or sleep, that doesn't seem related to any of the usual suspect apps (Chrome, e.g.).

Then, it magically stopped happening after a charge to 80%.
If it stopped, then you are fine. Some process finally finished its job. Watch for it in the future.
But what I suggested would have told you more. Your system was sleeping, but some process was waking it up. iCloud is famous (sync photos seems to be done at ANY cost), some system processes also. pmset would tell you who is waking it up - but not why, BTW.
And the fact the battery seems dropping during those short sleep times is more of artifact than real readout. It is typical to see going to sleep at X% and waking at X-Y%, where Y is 1-5. Depends on battery, memory and who knows what... Especially during these short sleeps, it can look like loosing battery all the time.
Which is also possible, but then it would likely be battery.
I have the same issue and it's very much hit and miss. Sometimes I close the lid for the night and come back the next morning with almost the same amount of battery life remaining. Then the other day I closed the lid with about 70% battery remaining only to come back the next morning and seeing it below 15%. There doesn't seem to be any consistent reason as to why these one-off nights happen.
I have the same issue and it's very much hit and miss. Sometimes I close the lid for the night and come back the next morning with almost the same amount of battery life remaining. Then the other day I closed the lid with about 70% battery remaining only to come back the next morning and seeing it below 15%. There doesn't seem to be any consistent reason as to why these one-off nights happen.
When that happes, do this in command line: pmset -g log|grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake " and see which process/program has been waking the computer. It can be anything. From Bluetooth mouse in a bag to iCloud, backups, mail, photos, ... You need to catch it what it happens and see, if that is fixable.
When that happes, do this in command line: pmset -g log|grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake " and see which process/program has been waking the computer. It can be anything. From Bluetooth mouse in a bag to iCloud, backups, mail, photos, ... You need to catch it what it happens and see, if that is fixable.
So it happened again to me last night, closed the lid with 81%, came back this morning and down to 33%. Can you offer any help/suggestions with the log below?

2020-08-17 21:32:49 -0400 Sleep Entering DarkWake state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:53%)

2020-08-17 21:37:45 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:57%) 31 secs

2020-08-17 21:37:50 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-17 23:37:50] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=39302 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:32:52 info=""] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=1971 wakeAt=2020-08-17 22:10:41 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-17 22:37:45] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=40030 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:45:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=37330 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-17 21:37:50 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4871 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5002 ms)]

2020-08-17 21:38:15 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5010 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(304 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(306 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(320 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1013 ms)]

2020-08-17 21:38:16 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(625 ms)]

2020-08-17 21:39:01 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:59%) 2070 secs

2020-08-17 21:39:06 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-17 23:39:06] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=39155 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:31:41 info=""] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=2064 wakeAt=2020-08-17 22:13:30 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-17 22:39:01] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=39954 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:45:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=37254 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-17 21:39:06 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(2027 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5033 ms)]

2020-08-17 22:13:30 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5055 ms)] [IOThunderboltControllerType4 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(329 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(369 ms)] [IOThunderboltControllerType4 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(330 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(374 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(329 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1084 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1037 ms)]

2020-08-17 22:13:31 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(737 ms)]

2020-08-18 06:55:13 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:100%) 1836 secs

2020-08-18 06:55:17 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:55:17] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=92306 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:33:43 info=""] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=1831 wakeAt=2020-08-18 07:25:48 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3596 wakeAt=2020-08-18 07:55:13] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=6583 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:45:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=3883 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 06:55:17 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(3889 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(4013 ms)]

2020-08-18 07:25:48 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5014 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(302 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(303 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(326 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(547 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1011 ms)]

2020-08-18 07:25:49 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(735 ms)]

2020-08-18 07:34:23 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:100%) 14 secs

2020-08-18 07:34:28 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 09:34:28] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-18 19:35:23] [*process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=1531 wakeAt=2020-08-18 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 07:34:28 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AirPort configd plug-in is slow(283 ms)] [ToolboxPowerWatcher is slow(769 ms)] [ is slow(4849 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5009 ms)]

2020-08-18 07:34:36 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5018 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(326 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(547 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1014 ms)]

2020-08-18 07:34:37 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:100%) 1677 secs

2020-08-18 07:34:37 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(373 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(384 ms)] [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(620 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :6 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 08:02:34 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:98%) 1788 secs

2020-08-18 08:02:39 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 10:02:39] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-18 20:03:34] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=86241 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 08:02:39 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [mDNSResponder is slow(5012 ms)] [ is slow(5014 ms)]

2020-08-18 08:32:22 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1306 ms)] [powerd is slow(5019 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(323 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(547 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1018 ms)]

2020-08-18 08:32:22 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:98%) 1649 secs

2020-08-18 08:32:22 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(372 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(382 ms)] [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(625 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :7 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 08:59:51 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:91%) 625 secs

2020-08-18 08:59:56 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 10:59:56] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-18 21:00:51] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=82804 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 08:59:56 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4501 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5016 ms)]

2020-08-18 09:10:15 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1369 ms)] [powerd is slow(5021 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(311 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(324 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1010 ms)]

2020-08-18 09:10:16 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:90%) 7050 secs

2020-08-18 09:10:16 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(316 ms)] [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(359 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(370 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :8 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 11:07:46 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Idle Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:63%) 780 secs

2020-08-18 11:07:52 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 13:07:52] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-18 23:08:46] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=75128 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 11:07:52 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(2010 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5013 ms)]

2020-08-18 11:20:46 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5022 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(324 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(540 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1016 ms)]

2020-08-18 11:20:46 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.PowerButton/User Using BATT (Charge:63%) 4231 secs

2020-08-18 11:20:47 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(353 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(363 ms)] [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(635 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :9 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 12:31:17 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Idle Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:47%) 5540 secs

2020-08-18 12:31:22 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 14:31:22] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-19 00:32:17] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=70118 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 12:31:22 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(2011 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5016 ms)]

2020-08-18 14:03:36 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5023 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(326 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1008 ms)]

2020-08-18 14:03:37 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.KeyboardTouchpad/User Using BATT (Charge:47%) 32 secs

2020-08-18 14:03:37 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(357 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(365 ms)] [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(631 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :10 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 14:04:09 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:47%) 7207 secs

2020-08-18 14:04:14 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 16:04:14] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-19 02:05:09] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=64545 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 14:04:14 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4967 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5014 ms)]

2020-08-18 16:04:15 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1349 ms)] [powerd is slow(5020 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(308 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(308 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(319 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(548 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1014 ms)]

2020-08-18 16:04:16 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(732 ms)]

2020-08-18 16:04:31 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:46%) 3610 secs

2020-08-18 16:04:59 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7177 wakeAt=2020-08-18 18:04:36] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=36010 wakeAt=2020-08-19 02:05:09] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=57301 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 16:04:59 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(281 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5033 ms)] [ timed out(28003 ms)]

2020-08-18 17:04:40 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(28019 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(331 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1098 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1039 ms)]

2020-08-18 17:04:41 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(729 ms)]

2020-08-18 17:04:41 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:46%) 7218 secs

2020-08-18 17:04:50 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 19:04:50] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=32420 wakeAt=2020-08-19 02:05:09] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=53710 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 17:04:50 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [mDNSResponder is slow(8905 ms)]

2020-08-18 19:04:59 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(8900 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(318 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(710 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1012 ms)]

2020-08-18 19:05:19 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:45%) 5889 secs

2020-08-18 19:05:24 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-18 21:05:24] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=25185 wakeAt=2020-08-19 02:05:09] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=46475 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 19:05:24 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [mDNSResponder is slow(5018 ms)]

2020-08-18 20:43:28 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5018 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(325 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(538 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1012 ms)]

2020-08-18 20:43:28 -0400 Wake Wake from Standby [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:45%)

2020-08-18 20:43:28 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(413 ms)] [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(411 ms)]

2020-08-18 20:57:29 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009ce5 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser kDisp]

2020-08-18 20:57:33 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:03 id:0x0x500009ce5 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:00:57 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d04 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:00:58 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:01 id:0x0x500009d04 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:00:59 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d06 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:02 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:03 id:0x0x500009d06 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:03 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d07 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:12 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:08 id:0x0x500009d07 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:12 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d09 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:31 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:18 id:0x0x500009d09 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:31 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d0c [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 21:01:32 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009d0c [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-18 22:05:22 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x50000a078 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser kDisp]

2020-08-18 22:05:22 -0400 Assertions PID 699(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x50000a078 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :14 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 22:07:54 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1340 ms)]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :0 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:3

2020-08-18 22:08:47 -0400 Sleep Entering DarkWake state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:81%)

2020-08-18 22:09:02 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:82%) 34380 secs

2020-08-18 22:09:07 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-19 00:09:07] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-19 10:10:02] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=35453 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-18 22:09:07 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(5011 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5016 ms)]

2020-08-19 07:42:02 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1284 ms)] [powerd is slow(5021 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(300 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(323 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(548 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1020 ms)]

2020-08-19 07:42:02 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:32%)

2020-08-19 07:42:02 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(317 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(369 ms)] [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(358 ms)]

2020-08-19 07:48:51 -0400 Assertions PID 4980(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x50000a20a [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser kDisp]

2020-08-19 07:48:56 -0400 Assertions PID 4980(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:04 id:0x0x50000a20a [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]
So it happened again to me last night, closed the lid with 81%, came back this morning and down to 33%. Can you offer any help/suggestions with the log below?

In the log you posted nothing stands out as what might be draining the battery. You will need to look at the rest of the log entires between 2020-08-18 22:09:02 and 2020-08-19 07:42:02 to see what other activity was happening while the computer was sleeping with the lid closed.
2020-08-18 22:08:47 -0400 Sleep Entering DarkWake state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:81%)
2020-08-18 22:09:02 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:82%) 34380 secs
2020-08-18 22:09:07 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-19 00:09:07] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-19 10:10:02] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=35453 wakeAt=2020-08-19 08:00:00 info=",367"]
2020-08-18 22:09:07 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(5011 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5016 ms)]
2020-08-19 07:42:02 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1284 ms)] [powerd is slow(5021 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(300 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(323 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(548 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1020 ms)]
2020-08-19 07:42:02 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open Using BATT (Charge:32%)

As a suggestion, in the future when you post log entries that take up a lot of lines, put the text in a quoted text section like I have done above.
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Reactions: A1MB1G
FWIW, resetting the SMC seems to have fixed it for me. Shut down the laptop, press and hold the power button for 10 s (apple will come on then go off), and restart. Fingers crossed that it remains fixed!
  • Like
Reactions: A1MB1G
In the log you posted nothing stands out as what might be draining the battery. You will need to look at the rest of the log entires between 2020-08-18 22:09:02 and 2020-08-19 07:42:02 to see what other activity was happening while the computer was sleeping with the lid closed.

As a suggestion, in the future when you post log entries that take up a lot of lines, put the text in a quoted text section like I have done above.

I had the issue again last night. Looking at the log, still nothing stands out. What other logs can I pull and how do I pull them to see what is causing this issue?

2020-08-19 17:02:54 -0400 Wake DarkWake to FullWake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to HID Activity Using BATT (Charge:100%)

2020-08-19 23:19:09 -0400 Assertions PID 9158(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009f71 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser kDisp]

2020-08-19 23:19:11 -0400 Assertions PID 9158(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:01 id:0x0x500009f71 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-19 23:19:21 -0400 Assertions PID 9158(Google Chrome) Created NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:00 id:0x0x500009f74 [System: PrevIdle PrevDisp DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

2020-08-19 23:19:23 -0400 Assertions PID 9158(Google Chrome) Released NoDisplaySleepAssertion "Video Wake Lock" 00:00:02 id:0x0x500009f74 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IntPrevDisp kDisp]

Sleep/Wakes since boot at 2020-08-17 19:12:25 -0400 :21 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:5

2020-08-19 23:59:36 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:54%) 28831 secs

2020-08-19 23:59:41 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-20 01:59:41] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-20 12:00:36] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=28818 wakeAt=2020-08-20 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-19 23:59:41 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4433 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5014 ms)]

2020-08-20 08:00:05 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5020 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(306 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(306 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(308 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1015 ms)]

2020-08-20 08:00:07 -0400 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to EC.ARPT/UserActivity Assertion Using BATT (Charge:12%)

2020-08-20 08:00:07 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(327 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(360 ms)] [AppleIntelMEClientController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(349 ms)]
I had the issue again last night. Looking at the log, still nothing stands out. What other logs can I pull and how do I pull them to see what is causing this issue?

My suggestion is to run the command: pmset -g log and look through it to see what was running in the time between when you closed the lid and opened it again. It would not be practical to post that results here.
My suggestion is to run the command: pmset -g log and look through it to see what was running in the time between when you closed the lid and opened it again. It would not be practical to post that results here.
That's the thing, after the following few lines of in the log file, nothing occurs or seems to be in the log until 8AM when I opened the lid:

2020-08-19 23:59:36 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:54%) 28831 secs

2020-08-19 23:59:41 -0400 Wake Requests [*process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-20 01:59:41] [process=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff deltaSecs=43255 wakeAt=2020-08-20 12:00:36] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=28818 wakeAt=2020-08-20 08:00:00 info=",367"]

2020-08-19 23:59:41 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4433 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5014 ms)]

2020-08-20 08:00:05 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5020 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(306 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(306 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(308 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1015 ms)]

2020-08-20 08:00:05 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created UserIsActive "" 00:00:00 id:0x0x90000a14b [System: DeclUser kDisp]
That's the thing, after the following few lines of in the log file, nothing occurs or seems to be in the log until 8AM when I opened the lid:

Did you run the command without the grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake " part? If you did not then posting the results will be too much to post here.
Did you run the command without the grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake " part? If you did not then posting the results will be too much to post here.
I did run it without that part. There were no other entries between the time I closed the lid and 8am when I opened the lid aside from what you see above.
I did run it without that part. There were no other entries between the time I closed the lid and 8am when I opened the lid aside from what you see above.

Maybe there is a hardware issue related to the battery or logic board:
  • Run diagnostics and see if that turns up anything.
  • Download (from the Mac App Store) and run the free Battery Health app. I use this app to keep track of my battery heath stats like cycle counts and Health %. The Heath percent is the most important stat the battery reaches 80% health it losses it effectiveness to hold a charge.

If you are running any bluetooth devices connected to the computer then maybe try resetting the bluetooth module in the computer.

The next thing I would try is creating a new partition (new Container) on your internal drive, using Disk Utility and clean install 10.15.6 to the new partition. Restart the computer to the new partition and setup the computer as a new computer. Don't install any third party apps and see if the battery drain still happens. This will tell you if there is an issue not related to any third party software that you have installed. When you are done restart back to your current install and remove the new partition.

Maybe there is a hardware issue related to the battery or logic board:
  • Run diagnostics and see if that turns up anything.
  • Download (from the Mac App Store) and run the free Battery Health app. I use this app to keep track of my battery heath stats like cycle counts and Health %. The Heath percent is the most important stat the battery reaches 80% health it losses it effectiveness to hold a charge.
Tried diagnostics - no issues found. Battery Health app shows 93% health with 46 cycles. This is a brand new 2020 Macbook Pro 13". Going to try resetting bluetooth and seeing what else might be happening. The weird thing is that I closed/quit every single application last night before closing the lid and something still sucked up the power from my battery.
Tried diagnostics - no issues found. Battery Health app shows 93% health with 46 cycles. This is a brand new 2020 Macbook Pro 13". Going to try resetting bluetooth and seeing what else might be happening. The weird thing is that I closed/quit every single application last night before closing the lid and something still sucked up the power from my battery.

Maybe try restarting the computer, don’t login to any user accounts and close the lid at night like you always do. Then see what the battery shows the next morning. Even though you don't login to any user account, third party software can be launched from /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons folders. So you might want to take a look at what is in those folders.

If you are running the Battery Heath feature in Catalina, have you checked what it shows?

Have you tried doing a SMC reset?
Last edited:
Maybe try restarting the computer, don’t login to any user accounts and close the lid at night like you always do. Then see what the battery shows the next morning. Even though you don't login to any user account, third party software can be launched from /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons folders. So you might want to take a look at what is in those folders.

If you are running the Battery Heath feature in Catalina, have you checked what it shows?

Have you tried doing a SMC reset?
So tried logging out and just leaving the laptop on, no battery drain. This was after doing a SMC reset. I'm going to try again tonight but this time stay logged in and see what happens. Battery health condition in Catalina is showing NORMAL.
So last night I left my charging cable plugged into the laptop overnight by accident and noticed it was warm to the touch this morning. It's not the first time that this has happened where i notice it's warm. I ran the above mentioned command and does it look to you guys like the Mail application is keeping the laptop from sleeping properly when connected to power?

Time stamp Domain Message Duration Delay

========== ====== ======= ======== =====

UUID: 192EF883-5FC8-4D65-BDDC-CA6A2F2C79D0

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Notification Display is turned off

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 29271(AddressBookSourceSync) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Address Book Source Sync" 00:00:10 id:0x0x1000097fc [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Time Machine backup" 00:26:36 id:0x0x100009762 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 131(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask " check (2).4" 00:00:01 id:0x0xb00009815 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:10 id:0x0xb00009808 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:10 id:0x0xb00009800 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 314(mds_stores) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:02:32 id:0x0xb000097ce [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) Summary BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 00:26:36 id:0x0xb00009761 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 287(backupd-helper) Summary BackgroundTask "backupd-helper" 00:27:06 id:0x0xb0000970f [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions Kernel Idle sleep preventers: -None-

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009817 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:24 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "Assertion to change proximity monitoring state" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd0000981f [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:26 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:00:12 id:0x0xb00009800 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:39 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:15 id:0x0xd00009817 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:44 -0400 Assertions PID 29271(AddressBookSourceSync) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Address Book Source Sync" 00:00:31 id:0x0x1000097fc [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:44 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:00:30 id:0x0xb00009808 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:54 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "Assertion to change proximity monitoring state" 00:00:29 id:0x0xd0000981f [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:35:54 -0400 Assertions Summary- [System: PrevIdle] Using AC(Charge: 100)

2020-08-24 21:35:54 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:100%) 33 secs

2020-08-24 21:35:59 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-24 23:35:59] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=36175 wakeAt=2020-08-25 07:38:54 info=","] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=2384 wakeAt=2020-08-24 22:15:43 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-24 22:35:54] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=37441 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=37441 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00 info=",4039"]

2020-08-24 21:35:59 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4304 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5014 ms)]

2020-08-24 21:36:26 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1369 ms)] [powerd is slow(5021 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(322 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(545 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1012 ms)]

2020-08-24 21:36:26 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009840 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:26 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009840 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009844 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 SleepService: window begins with cap time=86400 secs

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDNP] : due to EC.ARPT/Maintenance Using AC (Charge:100%) 45 secs

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 WakeDetails DriverReason:DataFrame - DriverDetails:0800450000400000400040065400c0a832b6c0a832b1c490c539110896a

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelaylow=10800 standbydelayhigh=86400 rd=316 ms

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 WakeTime WakeTime: 1.179 sec

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(731 ms)]

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009846 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:27 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:36 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Released InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:09 id:0x0xd00009844 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:37 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut ApplePushServiceTask "Powerd - Wait for client pushService assertions" 00:00:10 id:0x0xa00009845 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:36:37 -0400 SleepService: window has terminated.

2020-08-24 21:36:37 -0400 Assertions Summary- [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU] Using AC(Charge: 100)

2020-08-24 21:37:12 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd00009846 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 21:37:12 -0400 Assertions Summary- [System: PrevIdle] Using AC(Charge: 100)

2020-08-24 21:37:12 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:100%) 2065 secs

2020-08-24 21:37:17 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-24 23:37:17] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=36028 wakeAt=2020-08-25 07:37:45 info=","] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=2058 wakeAt=2020-08-24 22:11:35 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-24 22:37:12] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=37363 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=37363 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00 info=",4039"]

2020-08-24 21:37:17 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(1035 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(5039 ms)]

2020-08-24 22:11:36 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5064 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(319 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(685 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1021 ms)]

2020-08-24 22:11:36 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009854 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:36 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009854 [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009858 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 SleepService: window begins with cap time=86400 secs

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDNPB] : due to EC.RTC/Maintenance Using AC (Charge:100%) 4076 secs

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelaylow=10800 standbydelayhigh=86400 rd=316 ms

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 WakeTime WakeTime: 1.189 sec

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(662 ms)] [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(729 ms)]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 131(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask " check (2).4" 00:36:14 id:0x0xb00009815 [System: PrevIdle BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 314(mds_stores) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:38:45 id:0x0xb000097ce [System: PrevIdle BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) Summary BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 01:02:49 id:0x0xb00009761 [System: PrevIdle BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 287(backupd-helper) Summary BackgroundTask "backupd-helper" 01:03:19 id:0x0xb0000970f [System: PrevIdle BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd0000985a [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:37 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Created NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:00:00 id:0x0x1100009860 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:38 -0400 Assertions PID 131(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask " check (2).4" 00:36:15 id:0x0xb00009815 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:39 -0400 Assertions PID 314(mds_stores) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:38:47 id:0x0xb000097ce [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:41 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) TurnedOff BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 01:02:53 id:0x0xb00009761 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:41 -0400 Assertions PID 287(backupd-helper) Released BackgroundTask "backupd-helper" 01:03:23 id:0x0xb0000970f [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:41 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) TurnedOff PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Time Machine backup" 01:02:53 id:0x0x100009762 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:47 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut ApplePushServiceTask "Powerd - Wait for client pushService assertions" 00:00:10 id:0x0xa00009859 [System: PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:11:47 -0400 SleepService: window has terminated.

2020-08-24 22:11:47 -0400 Assertions Summary- [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU] Using AC(Charge: 100)

2020-08-24 22:11:47 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Released InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:10 id:0x0xd00009858 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:12:22 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd0000985a [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:13:42 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) ClientDied PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Time Machine backup" 01:04:54 id:0x0x100009762 [System: BGTask NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:13:42 -0400 Assertions PID 29003(backupd) ClientDied BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 01:04:54 id:0x0xb00009761 [System: BGTask NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:16:37 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Released NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:05:00 id:0x0x1100009860 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:24:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:13:19 id:0x0xb00009868 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:35:59 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:00:13 id:0x0xb000098b9 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:36:13 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:01:00 id:0x0xb000098b7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:39:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:04:00 id:0x0xb000098bd [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:39:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:28:19 id:0x0xb00009868 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:54:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:19:00 id:0x0xb000098bd [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 22:54:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:43:19 id:0x0xb00009868 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:06:26 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:30:29 id:0x0xb000098bd [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:09:57 -0400 Assertions PID 314(mds_stores) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xb0000992a [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:09:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:58:19 id:0x0xb00009868 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 01:07:55 id:0x0xb00009868 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:100%) 2245 secs

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x50000987f [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x10000987e [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x500009883 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x100009882 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x500009887 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:33 -0400 Assertions PID 244(coreaudiod) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" 01:06:42 id:0x0x100009886 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:19:38 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-25 01:19:38] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=29627 wakeAt=2020-08-25 07:33:25 info=","] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=2238 wakeAt=2020-08-24 23:56:56 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-25 00:19:33] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=31222 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=31222 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00 info=",4039"]

2020-08-24 23:19:38 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4922 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(4931 ms)]

2020-08-24 23:56:57 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5023 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(324 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(546 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1017 ms)]

2020-08-24 23:56:57 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009944 [System: SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:57 -0400 AppWakeReason Reason:BlueAvengers: Toggle beacon state

2020-08-24 23:56:57 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009944 [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-24 23:56:57 -0400 Notification Next immediate inactivity window start:'2020-08-25 00:00:00 -0400' end:'2020-08-25 07:45:00 -0400'

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009948 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 SleepService: window begins with cap time=86400 secs

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDNPB] : due to EC.RTC/Maintenance Using AC (Charge:100%) 8380 secs

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelaylow=10800 standbydelayhigh=86400 rd=316 ms

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 WakeTime WakeTime: 1.194 sec

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(733 ms)]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd0000994a [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:56:58 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Created NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:00:00 id:0x0x1100009950 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:57:08 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut ApplePushServiceTask "Powerd - Wait for client pushService assertions" 00:00:10 id:0x0xa00009949 [System: PushSrvc SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:57:08 -0400 SleepService: window has terminated.

2020-08-24 23:57:11 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released InteractivePushServiceTask "" 00:00:10 id:0x0x1200009966 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:57:31 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released InteractivePushServiceTask "" 00:00:20 id:0x0x120000996d [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:57:43 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Released InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd00009948 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-24 23:57:43 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd0000994a [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:01:58 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Released NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:05:00 id:0x0x1100009950 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:02:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:05:06 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:07:25 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:00:10 id:0x0xb00009984 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:15:14 -0400 Assertions PID 29519(backupd) ClientDied PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Time Machine backup" 00:02:01 id:0x0x100009994 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:15:14 -0400 Assertions PID 29519(backupd) ClientDied BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 00:02:01 id:0x0xb00009993 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:17:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:08:56 id:0x0xb00009988 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:17:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:20:06 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:32:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:23:56 id:0x0xb00009988 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:32:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:35:06 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:38:19 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:30:00 id:0x0xb00009988 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 00:47:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:50:06 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:02:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 01:05:06 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:15:03 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 01:17:54 id:0x0xb00009968 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:16:20 -0400 Assertions PID 131(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:01:16 id:0x0xb00009a0e [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:17:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:01:55 id:0x0xb00009a20 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:32:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:16:55 id:0x0xb00009a20 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:47:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:37 id:0x0xb00009a5d [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 01:47:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:31:55 id:0x0xb00009a20 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:02:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:15:37 id:0x0xb00009a5d [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:02:15 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:46:55 id:0x0xb00009a20 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:16:10 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 01:00:49 id:0x0xb00009a20 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:16:38 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:30:00 id:0x0xb00009a5d [System: No Assertions]

2020-08-25 02:16:38 -0400 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:100%) 2050 secs

2020-08-25 02:16:43 -0400 Wake Requests [process=mDNSResponder request=Maintenance deltaSecs=7200 wakeAt=2020-08-25 04:16:43] [process=dasd request=SleepService deltaSecs=19160 wakeAt=2020-08-25 07:36:03 info=","] [*process=dasd request=TimerPlugin deltaSecs=2043 wakeAt=2020-08-25 02:50:46 info=""] [process=prl_vm_app request=Maintenance deltaSecs=3595 wakeAt=2020-08-25 03:16:38] [process=powerd request=AdaptiveWake deltaSecs=20597 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00] [process=powerd request=UserWake deltaSecs=20597 wakeAt=2020-08-25 08:00:00 info=",4039"]

2020-08-25 02:16:43 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(4630 ms)] [mDNSResponder is slow(4750 ms)]

2020-08-25 02:50:47 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5022 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(307 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(308 ms)] [AppleUSBVHCIBCE driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(323 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(547 ms)] [RP01 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1007 ms)]

2020-08-25 02:50:47 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009abb [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:47 -0400 Assertions PID 267(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009abb [System: PrevIdle]

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009abe [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 SleepService: window begins with cap time=86400 secs

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDNPB] : due to EC.RTC/Maintenance Using AC (Charge:100%) 18552 secs

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelaylow=10800 standbydelayhigh=86400 rd=316 ms

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 WakeTime WakeTime: 1.167 sec

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [RP05 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(727 ms)]

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009ac0 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 Assertions [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:48 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Created NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:00:00 id:0x0x1100009ac6 [System: PrevIdle PushSrvc SRPrevSleep NetAcc IPushSrvc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:58 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut ApplePushServiceTask "Powerd - Wait for client pushService assertions" 00:00:10 id:0x0xa00009abf [System: PushSrvc BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:50:58 -0400 SleepService: window has terminated.

2020-08-25 02:51:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:51:18 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Summary InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:29 id:0x0xd00009ac0 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:51:18 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Summary InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:29 id:0x0xd00009abe [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:51:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Summary NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:00:29 id:0x0x1100009ac6 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:51:33 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Released InternalPreventSleep "PM configd - Wait for Device enumeration" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd00009abe [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:51:33 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd00009ac0 [System: BGTask SRPrevSleep NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:53:22 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:00:59 id:0x0xb00009ada [System: BGTask NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:55:23 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:02:00 id:0x0xb00009add [System: BGTask NetAcc kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:55:48 -0400 Assertions PID 4167(prl_vm_app) Released NetworkClientActive "CMacPowerHelper::Do Background Tasks" 00:05:00 id:0x0x1100009ac6 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 02:57:24 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:02:00 id:0x0xb00009ae1 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:03:09 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:00:59 id:0x0xb00009aed [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:05:10 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:02:00 id:0x0xb00009af1 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:06:18 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Summary ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:01:07 id:0x0xb00009af4 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:06:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:15:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:07:23 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:02:11 id:0x0xb00009af4 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:21:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:01:45 id:0x0xb00009b16 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:21:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:30:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:36:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:16:45 id:0x0xb00009b16 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:36:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:45:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:49:32 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:30:00 id:0x0xb00009b16 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 03:51:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 01:00:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:06:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 01:15:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:21:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 01:30:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:26:40 -0400 Assertions PID 165(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "" 00:00:20 id:0x0xb00009b7d [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:36:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4077(routined) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" 00:00:36 id:0x0x100009bb9 [System: PrevIdle BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:36:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 00:00:36 id:0x0xb00009bb8 [System: PrevIdle BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:36:18 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "" 01:45:29 id:0x0xb00009ac7 [System: PrevIdle BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:36:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4077(routined) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" 00:01:16 id:0x0x100009bb9 [System: BGTask kCPU]

2020-08-25 04:36:57 -0400 Assertions PID 4039(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "" 00:01:16 id:0x0xb00009bb8 [System: BGTask kCPU]

Also, what's weird is from 8AM onward this morning until I got to my laptop, I got the following:

2020-08-25 08:00:30 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "Assertion to change proximity monitoring state" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009dc6 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]

2020-08-25 08:00:30 -0400 Assertions PID 144(powerd) Released InternalPreventSleep "Assertion to change proximity monitoring state" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00009dc6 [System: PrevIdle]

Any ideas/suggestions?
So I woke up this morning to a laptop at 0% battery. I've tried all the commands above to try and narrow down what app is causing this but with absolutely no success. It's extremely frustrating. It's to the point where I have literally shut down every app before I close the lid to my laptop to make sure the battery doesn't drain.

Anyone have good options for me tracking down the culprit here?
Run this command
pmset -g log | grep -i "wake from"
in terminal and show us the result here
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