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Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
I've never used the Opteka unit, but I do have Canon's vertical grip on my XT.


I absolutely love it - I'll definitely be getting one for my 5D. It makes the camera much, much more ergonomic, which is invaluable on the XT in my opinion.

Off topic - look at that stupid slasher movie font Canon used for the Rebel XT badge. What the hell were they thinking? The 350D badge is so much more understated and nice looking.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
Mike Teezie said:
Off topic - look at that stupid slasher movie font Canon used for the Rebel XT badge. What the hell were they thinking? The 350D badge is so much more understated and nice looking.

Because it is a "REBEL" :eek:

Of course they have to use the violent looking font. :cool:


macrumors 68020
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
If I were you, I would go with Canon's battery grip. I am not sure how that 3rd party grip fits with the camera body. When I got Canon's battery grip for its SLR digital camera, it fits very nicely. I feel this is the one of the items you might not want to go cheap via the 3rd party item as you would be touching it everytime you are shooting.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
YS2003 said:
If I were you, I would go with Canon's battery grip. I am not sure how that 3rd party grip fits with the camera body. When I got Canon's battery grip for its SLR digital camera, it fits very nicely. I feel this is the one of the items you might not want to go cheap via the 3rd party item as you would be touching it everytime you are shooting.

This one in particular, I quote:

Opteka is proud to be allowed to use the same factory and mold as Canon uses for their BG-E3. Opteka is one of the world's leading producer of high-performance batteries and accessories. Opteka believes there is no limit to the potential of portable power and as a company they will always strive to find innovative and efficient ways to power your life in the future

For half the price (where budget is an issue for this trip) it may be worth it

I appreciate your input though, thanks :)


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
I'd go for it, I wonder if the make one for 20/30D's.

EDIT: Doesn't look like it, a pity, I might have plunked down $100 for a battery grip for my 30D.


tonyeck said:
This one in particular, I quote:

For half the price (where budget is an issue for this trip) it may be worth it

I appreciate your input though, thanks :)

They guy who left his review on Amazon seemed to think it fitted well too, and you could always try it and return it. :)


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
I've read a bunch of reviews on for that battery grip... the general consensus was that it's very good. Almost exactly like the Canon branded one - the only complaint being that the shutter button on the grip is a little stiffer on the Opteka one.

I'd say go for it.


macrumors newbie
Mar 28, 2006
My brother bought one of these for his XT a couple of weeks ago. I told him it was going to be a complete waste of money. Turned out i was wrong. These battery grips are great for the price. He says taking the batterys out of the grips is a litte annoying and the buttons dont stick out like Canons are, they are mashed in. But overall the grip is fine. Looks a little weird on a black/silver XT though :eek: And it acutally fits on the XT perfecty so dont worry about it. I'd say go for it. And if you forget to charge you batterys you can goto your local store and buy some AA's as these comes with the adapter!
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