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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 28, 2008
Dubai x Toronto
Hi everyone,
I am typing on my new iPad and have noticed that the battery isn't as good as I thought it would be. I guess i expected more.

It came with 85% so i used it all the way in about 24hrs and set it to charge. I unplugged it at 100% a few hours later and now i am already down to 96%. It is a 3G model, but i am using wifi only at the moment. Brightness is around 50% and all i have been doing is browsing the web.
At this rate, i don't see myself getting 10hrs and watching movies, etc.

Should i be concerned? How else can I test if my battery is faulty?
(sorry for lack of capitalizing "I", for some reason auto correct only worked for some of them, any idea why?)

Thanks in advance.

Edit: typing this post brought me down 95%
A few hours later?

Thing only lasts 10 hours. So if you are at 96% after a few hours use figure it out.
Thing only lasts 10 hours. So if you are at 96% after a few hours use figure it out.

I meant I let it charge for a few hoursf at 100%. Definitely haven't been using it for very long since it was unplugged. Now at 94%. Maybe it will get better after a few charge cycles?
Best thing is to make a genius bar appt when ur battery is at around 20 percent. They'll hook up ur iPad and run a diagnostic to see how ur battery is performing. It'll show how many hours you've used it.

God I really wish apple would have included a usage/standy option in the iPad like they have in the iPhones
50% is pretty bright and will drain your battery faster than anything. I usually keep mine at about 25-30% brightness and turn off auto-brightness and it helps considerably.

Another suggestion is to turn off the cellular data when you don't need it. When I had a wifi only ipad I could go for over 10 hours. I'm sure if cellular data was turned off my 3G version wil perform similarly.
I have a battery issue too

My iPad makes my other apple products look like antiquated garbage it's so good!!

So yeah, sounds abnormal, get it checked.
I agree with the above poster, wish they had the usage like the iPhone.
Watching a video really drained my battery yesterday, I don't see myself getting 10hrs. I am just worried as I will be using it on 8hour flights, etc. Want to be able to watch videos, play a few games, etc.

I will probably make an appointment with the genius bar, but I am upset if I do have to change iPads that I will loose/waste my Wrapsol protector on the back.

The iPad is down to 15% now. Should I do a full charge to 100% now or wait to drain it? I will then monitor my usage.

Ok so the weird part is i am draining battery fast just by browsing the net.

I charged the iPad to 100% and then watched a 50 min so via Air Video and it was still at 100%. Howevere, now I am just browsing and I am dropping 1% ever 4-5 minutes. Just like switching to Words with Friends and browsing MacRumors.

I dont use my iPad for hours in a row so I can't tell how many hours I would get, but from the 9-10hr battery life it should be 1% per every 5-6 min.

Edit: update- itched a 2hr movie and it drained by 20% so I guess that is fine... But then playing 2 rounds of flight control for 5 min drained it 2%. oh well, will run it down completely tonight and do a full charge. Thanks everyone.

Flight control HD drains my batter 1% every 3-4min. I wish I was overlooking this but i don't see the amazing battery life others so.

A friend said he saw 2 movies on his iPad and it drained only 13% whereas mine would daring close to 40%.
I was concerned about battery life at first and I called Apple about it. The support rep suggested doing a full restore, setting up the iPad as a new device -- trashing my existing data and settings, which at that point weren't very extensive. He theorized that some misbehaving app might have corrupted something (I believe it was a game called CastleCraft, which sometimes didn't seem to be quitting properly). Anyway, that fixed the problem.

A fairly simple way to test is to use the rule of thumb that 10 hours of battery life means that one hour of use should drain the battery about 10 percent, therefore the iPad should be discharging at about 1 percent every 6 minutes. If you're way off from this, then something might be wrong.
I was concerned about battery life at first and I called Apple about it. The support rep suggested doing a full restore, setting up the iPad as a new device -- trashing my existing data and settings, which at that point weren't very extensive. He theorized that some misbehaving app might have corrupted something (I believe it was a game called CastleCraft, which sometimes didn't seem to be quitting properly). Anyway, that fixed the problem.

A fairly simple way to test is to use the rule of thumb that 10 hours of battery life means that one hour of use should drain the battery about 10 percent, therefore the iPad should be discharging at about 1 percent every 6 minutes. If you're way off from this, then something might be wrong.

Thanks. I wanted to do a restore last night because i don't have much data on it right now either, but iTunes kept giving me and error. Maybe i will try aegain later pray, but for now I am trying to run th battery down to 0 and charge it fully.
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