I just jailbroke my iPhone 3G last night. The whole purpose was to ssh into the phone and change the plist files to get the battery percentage. I heard that bossprefs and sbsettings drains battery like no other so I decided to do the hack. What I notice is my batter is at 50 % after only 4 hours.
I also read that keeping openssh running also drains battery like crazy. For this reason, I uninstalled it after using it. Is there anything that is making my battery die quickly? Some of you guys probably will say that 4 hours at 50% is good, but honestly, I used to be able to get about 10 hours of battery every charge cycle and even more when on standby. Are jailbroken iPhones worse on battery life? Thanks guys.
I also read that keeping openssh running also drains battery like crazy. For this reason, I uninstalled it after using it. Is there anything that is making my battery die quickly? Some of you guys probably will say that 4 hours at 50% is good, but honestly, I used to be able to get about 10 hours of battery every charge cycle and even more when on standby. Are jailbroken iPhones worse on battery life? Thanks guys.