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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 23, 2013
I purchased the new MBA 2018 in hope to get a machine with decent battery life.
Unfortunately, the MBA 2018 battery is more than a disappointment to me.

I get a max. 6hrs with screen dimmed to 50% and usual Safari web surfing.

Youtube and other videos train the battery even further.

What's most shocking to me, I can literally watch the percentage bar going further down while writing this comment.

Anyone else experiencing battery life issues?
I am interested if it is a common MBA behavior or if I got a bad version

(Chrome and Firefox are draining the machine even faster)

Big Apple

macrumors member
Jun 30, 2010
My battery life has been pretty good so far but maybe my usage is different ( mainly lots and lots of emails, google docs, writing a couple of reports and web browsing on safari). I used it for a full day of work on Thursday and this ss below is where I was at when packing up for the day. It was pretty similar for Friday and I haven't had to charge it yet this weekend even though I've spent a fair amount of time web browsing and on social media. I've only watched a few YouTube videos on here since I've got it so can't really speak to how that affects it overall. My brightness is also at about 50%. My older MBP could barely get 7hrs on a good day doing the same tasks so I'm seeing a huge improvement at least for me. Hopefully some more people can chime in with their experiences. I will say that if you are watching the battery drain just by writing a comment, then there might be an issue. Mine hasn't changed at all posting this and has barely changed in the time I've been online, browsing the forums this morning.


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macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
You need to let the whole thing calibrate for a few days to settle in, those percentages/time remaining are just a guess based on current usage after all. 4 hours on battery yesterday and it was down to 73%, time remaining was 17 hours... Obviously not going to happen but I'd make the same assumption if it said 1 hour remaining.
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