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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
Does the battery meter on the 3G S need to be calibrated asap or can it be done any time (full charge->discharge->full charge each month, per Apple protocol)?

I also did a 2 hour initial charge out of the box (meter read full 1 hr 30 min into charge). Is this alright?
A lot of people swear by calibrating their phone batteries but after religiously doing that with my old iphone 3g and comparing it to my dads iphone 3g who charges it whenever he pleases I found that there really isn't much of a difference. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. That's my opinion at least. I'm sure someone will disagree though.
A lot of people swear by calibrating their phone batteries but after religiously doing that with my old iphone 3g and comparing it to my dads iphone 3g who charges it whenever he pleases I found that there really isn't much of a difference. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. That's my opinion at least. I'm sure someone will disagree though.

Thanks for the response. I guess what I'm asking is if there's any difference calibrating right away (phone out of the box) rather then just down the road? I'm asking in terms of damaging the meter or the actual battery.
Thanks for the response. I guess what I'm asking is if there's any difference calibrating right away (phone out of the box) rather then just down the road? I'm asking in terms of damaging the meter or the actual battery.

"Calibrating" your battery is just normal use, right? How would it damage anything? Full dischages and complete recharges just makes your battery meter more accurate, therefore gaining a couple more minutes of use.
"Calibrating" your battery is just normal use, right? How would it damage anything? Full dischages and complete recharges just makes your battery meter more accurate, therefore gaining a couple more minutes of use.

Thanks for the response. Not sure if you got what I was asking. I'm asking if there's any negative effect in NOT calibrating the meter straight out of the box. Can the battery meter be calibrated any time (month or two from now)?
All calibrating does is give you a "more accurate" reading on the meter. So with that in mind, if you don't do it right out of the box, it technically won't have as accurate a reading as if you did do it out of the box.

Personally, I used to really pay attention and almost religiously calibrate my stuff, but there is such a small difference I've seen that, at least on a phone, it really doesn't matter when you do it. Maybe once every couple months would be perfect. On a laptop is different, since they have in proportion have a smaller battery.
All calibrating does is give you a "more accurate" reading on the meter. So with that in mind, if you don't do it right out of the box, it technically won't have as accurate a reading as if you did do it out of the box.

So a calibration later on would give me the same results 'meter accuracy wise' as if i was doing it straight out of box? I'm just worrying if I missed the "window" for calibrating.
So a calibration later on would give me the same results 'meter accuracy wise' as if i was doing it straight out of box? I'm just worrying if I missed the "window" for calibrating.

Right, it honestly doesn't matter when you do it. You could do it every day to get the absolute most accurate reading, but that's pointless. I haven't done mine yet, and to be frank, I probably won't do it until I naturally run out of battery...

Which reminds me, I never calibrated my 1st Gen iPhone, and that battery is still kicking wonderfully 2 years later.
Right, it honestly doesn't matter when you do it. You could do it every day to get the absolute most accurate reading, but that's pointless. I haven't done mine yet, and to be frank, I probably won't do it until I naturally run out of battery...

Which reminds me, I never calibrated my 1st Gen iPhone, and that battery is still kicking wonderfully 2 years later.

Did you do an initial charge on your 3G S battery? If so, how long? You've been helpful. Thank you.
Did you do an initial charge on your 3G S battery? If so, how long? You've been helpful. Thank you.

Uh, I kind of did...I mean, when I first got mine, I was out for about an hour or so shopping for my mom's birthday and such, so I was using the phone here and there, checking out the GPS and Compass feature. When I finally got home, I plugged it in to sync up my stuff and load all my music on it, but then my friend in California who hasn't seen one in person yet wanted to see it so we loaded up video chat and I was showing him the screen and other things. But I did eventually let it charge all the way up, and I let it sit in the dock for about a few more hours after it's been fully charged. After that...I haven't done anything else.
Uh, I kind of did...I mean, when I first got mine, I was out for about an hour or so shopping for my mom's birthday and such, so I was using the phone here and there, checking out the GPS and Compass feature. When I finally got home, I plugged it in to sync up my stuff and load all my music on it, but then my friend in California who hasn't seen one in person yet wanted to see it so we loaded up video chat and I was showing him the screen and other things. But I did eventually let it charge all the way up, and I let it sit in the dock for about a few more hours after it's been fully charged. After that...I haven't done anything else.

I did an initial charge of 2 hours (it hit full in 1hr 30min). You think the first charge should be topped off (like 5-8 hours). Sorry for all the questions. I'm really anal about the battery.
I did an initial charge of 2 hours (it hit full in 1hr 30min). You think the first charge should be topped off (like 5-8 hours). Sorry for all the questions. I'm really anal about the battery.

LOL. You're perfectly fine dude. Seriously, from what I have seen with my friends that are crazy about their batteries, the more you think about it, the more chances you have and the easier it is to "mess up."

I ran a bit of a test yesterday.

Charged it up all night, friday night. Phone was left on.

Unplugged it at 06:45 in the morming, used it all day for email, browsing, texting.

Received about 75 emails, responded to 5
Send five sms, received 5
browsing about 20 minutes on 3G
browsing about 20 minutes on WIFI
used the compass about 10 minutes
used the gps about 10 minutes

made 16 minutes of phone calls

14 hours and 53 minutes later, the phone said it was at 14%, in the red (the red starts at 20%)

Today, I plan to do an extended phone call for as many hours as it takes to see how long the talk time is.

Monday, I'll do a test with just EGDE enabled.

By the way, my GF 2G phone which didn't start the day till 09:00, showed nearly FULL green at 22:30 at night.
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