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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 4, 2005
I can't get the battery on my new powerbook to charge up to 100% (It did once). Also it seems to drain really fast but I guess that's normal? That isn't even under heavy usage.
Spaceboy464 said:
I can't get the battery on my new powerbook to charge up to 100% (It did once). Also it seems to drain really fast but I guess that's normal? That isn't even under heavy usage.
Yep join the club - nothing to worry about though

welcome to Macrumors
liketom said:
Yep join the club - nothing to worry about though

welcome to Macrumors

When plugged in and fully charged my battery can (and does) fluctuate between 100% and 96%. The reason for this is that these li-ion batteries have overcharge sensors built in that when they are full have an internal switch that allows them to fluctuate at the top range, discharing a small amount then gaining, etc etc. If you call Apple they will tell you the same thing, it is completely normal.

As far as your battery discharging very rapidly, either it is less than you were expecting, or you could have a problem. On a full charge, how long is your battery lasting? Screen brightness settings? Which model book do you have? etc etc, fill in some blanks and perhaps we can help out a little bit with some info.
My old iBook 1.2 :

Full screen brightness /itunes/internet/quicktime/some imovie use = around the 3.5 hours
min setting on screen /internet/e-mail - around 4-4.5 hours

Powerbook 1.33 :

full screen as above - around 2.5 - 3 hours
min settings as above - 3- 3.5 hours

hope this gives you are guide
I would say that is good amount of battery usage time. Thought you may have meant a lot less usage time. My iBook only will last less than thirty minutes and then shutdown the iBook, my battery is gone.
efoto said:
When plugged in and fully charged my battery can (and does) fluctuate between 100% and 96%. The reason for this is that these li-ion batteries have overcharge sensors built in that when they are full have an internal switch that allows them to fluctuate at the top range, discharing a small amount then gaining, etc etc. If you call Apple they will tell you the same thing, it is completely normal.

As far as your battery discharging very rapidly, either it is less than you were expecting, or you could have a problem. On a full charge, how long is your battery lasting? Screen brightness settings? Which model book do you have? etc etc, fill in some blanks and perhaps we can help out a little bit with some info.

Full charge is about 3 hours (or so it says) maybe between 2:30-3 hours. I have it on the normal settings (for battery) where it will dim the screen and then go to sleep and all that. It's the 15in 1.67ghz powerbook. It told me I had 2 hours left then I added some stuff in Ical now it says 1hour (but it's going up). I guess it's ok.
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