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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
Running iOS 12 on an IPP 12.9 G2 LTE.
Since updating to iOS 12, basic battery usage seems to be unchanged except for video use. I have noticed whether it is YouTube, Spectrum TV, Netflix, or Amazon, (my major viewing items), this device burns through battery at a higher pace than pre-iOS 12.
I usually have my iPad tuned to Spectrum TV for 3-4 hours in the morning while at my desk an I am now finding that by the end of that time my battery level under iOS 12 is under 50% when in the past it was between 60%-70%. I notice this also on weekends while watching some other venue.

Hoping it is the apps specifically.
Have run youtube clips for little over 3 hours in total since last charge around 3 days ago and mine says 72% left. Think it’s pretty good.
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