I received this email:
i am awärę wr!4769+ ōne of yōur passwords.
i placed a software ōn the X videos (sęx sites) sİtę and yōu know what, yoū visİted this website to experięnce fun (yoū knōw what İ mean). Whęn you were viewİng vİdęō clips, your web browser started out functioning as ä Remōte Dęsktop thät häs a keylōggęr which prōvİded me accessibİlity to yōur displäy screen as well as cam. immedİately after that, my software program obtained every one of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as węll as e-mail . after that i creatęd ä double vİdeo. 1st pärt displays the video yoū werę watching (yōu'vę got a nİce tästę lmäō), and next pärt shows the recōrdİng of your web camera, yea its yoū.
Second alternatİvę will be tō compęnsate me $1318.
Now, wr!4769+ is one of my old passwords- I've changed it- and I believe this is all this fool has. He/she's threatening to load videos to the 'Net, unless I pay him/her. My questions is: Can they do anything they claim to be doing? I'm pretty sure if they had video, they'd have sent some to prove it. And I'm pretty sure one can't place a remote keylogger on a desktop, tho' I don't know. Any help? BTW, I've got a Macbook Pro, but I'm using a library computer, just in case.
i am awärę wr!4769+ ōne of yōur passwords.
i placed a software ōn the X videos (sęx sites) sİtę and yōu know what, yoū visİted this website to experięnce fun (yoū knōw what İ mean). Whęn you were viewİng vİdęō clips, your web browser started out functioning as ä Remōte Dęsktop thät häs a keylōggęr which prōvİded me accessibİlity to yōur displäy screen as well as cam. immedİately after that, my software program obtained every one of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as węll as e-mail . after that i creatęd ä double vİdeo. 1st pärt displays the video yoū werę watching (yōu'vę got a nİce tästę lmäō), and next pärt shows the recōrdİng of your web camera, yea its yoū.
Second alternatİvę will be tō compęnsate me $1318.
Now, wr!4769+ is one of my old passwords- I've changed it- and I believe this is all this fool has. He/she's threatening to load videos to the 'Net, unless I pay him/her. My questions is: Can they do anything they claim to be doing? I'm pretty sure if they had video, they'd have sent some to prove it. And I'm pretty sure one can't place a remote keylogger on a desktop, tho' I don't know. Any help? BTW, I've got a Macbook Pro, but I'm using a library computer, just in case.