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Black Diesel

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 15, 2011

What's the best deal going right now for a 24" display?? Nothing fancy. I'm not a gamer or professional video editor, I just need one to pair up with my 24" iMac.

My 24" acer just literally blew up 10 miniutes ago, no joke. I didn't think such a thing was possibly but it made a hissing sound as if I punctured a car tire and a huge plume of smoke came out of the top of it...straight out of a movie, I couldn't believe it!

Anyway, I just need a new 24" and I figured you guys would know where to get the sweet deals. Maybe $200-$300 range? What's the best bang for the buck?

True. But honestly, 23", 24", there really isn't much of a difference, considering that the resolution is the same. ;)

I'd rather have an IPS panel and an inch less, than a crappy TN.
The Dell U2311H and NEC EA23WMI are other (and definitely better than the Asus) options for a 23" IPS monitor. Both are around $300.
True. But honestly, 23", 24", there really isn't much of a difference, considering that the resolution is the same. ;)

I'd rather have an IPS panel and an inch less, than a crappy TN.
The Dell U2311H and NEC EA23WMI are other (and definitely better than the Asus) options for a 23" IPS monitor. Both are around $300.

I can highly recommend the Dell U2311H. Had mine for a few months now and it is an great monitor.
True. But honestly, 23", 24", there really isn't much of a difference, considering that the resolution is the same. ;)

I'd rather have an IPS panel and an inch less, than a crappy TN.
The Dell U2311H and NEC EA23WMI are other (and definitely better than the Asus) options for a 23" IPS monitor. Both are around $300.

This. Also, the Dell is a solid budget monitor.

Unless your eyesight is not great, there is never a good reason to select a monitor that is larger with the same resolution. Always go for higher pixels per inch when possible.

Now, if you need 1920x1200, then yes, you will have to get 24". But if you don't feel a burning need for 16:10 aspect ratio, feel free to get something smaller. I've had positive experiences with the Dell U2211H - same thing, but it's 21.5" instead of 23".
I'm in the same boat as the OP.

However, among the NEC EA232WMI-BK, I'm also looking at the Samsung PX2370 - which has been getting amazing reviews.
I wouldn't rely on the NewEgg reviews. The people there even rate the most crappy things with 5 stars.

Just my 2c, but haven't seen that in my experience. The comments on Newegg aren't *always* helpful, but they tend to be a damn sight better than any other site....

and I triple echo the u2311H for a good budget buy!
If you dont mind tinting and backlight bleed, that is very true.

I feel a rebuttal is in order.
You have to remember that all monitors will have quality issues of some description. However it seems that a small number of people love to blow these issues out of proportion when it comes down to it. I know many people who have had no problems with the backlight or tinting, and yet because some people may have had these problems people see fit to say that the entire product line is a dud.
I can still vouch for the U2311H and will continue to do so (and I'm sure my 2 +1s will agree).
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