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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 28, 2009
Has anyone tried a few of the French language apps and found any to be useful? I did french school and want to pick up from where i left off. I'm really looking for something that will take me from beginner of good. I don't mind paying either but free would be better.
Any recommendations?
Unless I missed something, when I looked a while back, most of the apps seemed to be more of the phrasebook type. You could always hunt around for an online site. Should you want a French-English dictionary, I can recommend the Collins Pro French-English Translation Dictionary from Ultralingua.
All the apps for French are awful - even the paid ones. Go to the podcasts section of the iTunes store and download the free 'Coffee Break French' podcasts. It starts from the absolute basics of French and works up to full conversation and more advanced language. There are well over 100 sessions and they're fastastic, and of course you can learn at your own speed. They also have an accompanying website -

The podcasts are free but some of the website material isn't, but you don't really need the extras.

Hope this helps!

Has anyone tried a few of the French language apps and found any to be useful? I did french school and want to pick up from where i left off. I'm really looking for something that will take me from beginner of good. I don't mind paying either but free would be better.
Any recommendations?

Not an app, but an audiobook. The Pimsleur courses are hands-down the best way to learn a foreign language by self-study. I've done the full French and Russian courses (on cassette, remember that technology?). Looks like they are selling the courses on iTunes for about $70 per level (there are three French levels), but Pimsleur is a very popular product to, uh, 'share' if you catch my drift.

useful thread - I've just moved to geneva!

Cheers for the coffee break french podcast suggestion - that looks good, and can't beat free!
Try this instead

Have yet to find a decent language app and I teach modern languages at high school. There is no substitute for immersing yourself in the language. Find a french tutor or girlfriend:)

I have used the Michel Thomas method to learn Spanish, prior to going to live there for a year and highly recommend it.

Bon courage
and ofcourse no one here mentioned michell thomas, the Bescherelle vocabulary, conjugueur etc are all available in app versions which saves a hassle of carrying them around and trying to search anything,

try iSpeak french, TalkPad french, all better then going to websites and enough to get your understanding of frnech up to pace to practice speaking,

the ipad is the way to go with language learning, huge market awaiting developers
French Course in development

We are currently developing a French course in the same style as our other language courses (Spanish and Italian). It will comprise 10 lessons, start from the very beginning and get you well on your way.

Since it's still in production, any ideas as to what features you'd like to see would be welcome. If the author of this thread doesn't disapprove you could post your ideas here, or simply reply on our website.

As with all our courses, it will be a "real" course with interactive lessons, animations, exercises, etc. Audio is added to all phrases and words as well to learn the perfect pronunciation.

Interested to hear user needs


I've been developing a French learning app over the past few months.

It's interesting to hear on this thread that people think there is a real hole in the market here still and offerings aren't too compelling. I'd be interested to hear what features people would like to see.

For reference please try my current attempt (Its Freemium so can try without buying) and let me know your thoughts. "Word and Verb Star"

The Ultimate iPhone Application for Learning French FAST! Pocket French - Beginner! You get 10 FrenchPod101 Audio lessons, touch screen line-by-line audio for each lesson, 10 review tracks, flashcards, full lesson notes (50+ pages!), voice recorder tool and more on your phone/iTouch! See what others are saying: “Wow, the language learning revolution is in full swing! - I’m using the touch screen to play words back… I’m having fun learning a language.” Get Pocket French - Beginner here. Also, get Pocket French - Elementary here.
COMMUNILATOR language translator

I wanted to let you know about a language translation application new to the :apple: apps store called Communilator™. It is the world’s first mobile phone language translation application capable of recognizing and translating foreign text (books, newspapers, menus, etc.) in 44 languages and dialects captured with the hosts mobile phone camera; of delivering translations to the hosts mobile phone in 3,000 language-pairs; of providing High Quality (HQ) Speech for translations in 21 foreign languages; of Voice Recognition* (4S required); and of seamless integration with SMS and email. It would be very helpful if you needed to learn French, or any one of 54 languages or communicate on the fly. It's not a standard phrase book dictionary based application; the translations are real-time. It's a FREE download with a Full Feature in app purchase option available for a limited time price of $2.99. A very cost effective way to learn a new language. We think you'll like it!
Technology solution

Here is the best way to learn most languages including French on your iPhone/iPad.
First I can't recommend Pimsleur strongly enough. Throw those mp3s on your device and you will assemble a conversational framework in your head. But Pimsleur seems to avoid vocabulary. This is where the app French Language by LessonStudio is great. That thing blasts vocabulary and the rules to use it straight into your brain. They use mnemonics to get the vocabulary to not leak out of your brain as it tends to do with any flashcard technique.
Another is Michel Thomas. His is a great adjunct to Pimsleur but faster.
With MT you can blast through it in a week or two listening for an hour a day.
Pimsleur on the otherhand is going to take time. 90 30 minute lessons and you will rarely be able to do more than one a day as I found it is best to listen to one in the morning and the same one again in the evening.
The LessonStudio app is really fast. If you had to learn a language fast then that is your solution.(Like for the trip on Friday) My brain hurt after a while but I found I could come back after a break and do more. I am not joking when I say that you could actually have an extremely basic but useful vocabulary in a long weekend.
Rosetta Stone... meh ... I would say that there is no way you could start from scratch and end up speaking a language with that but where I would recommend Rosetta is to polish off a basic knowledge. So if you have a basic working vocabulary, can conjugate some verbs, work with adjectives and adverbs then that is when you should hit Rosetta. I don't know the exact number of words but it looks like your vocabulary is going to be a few thousand words when you are done. But that is going to take time.
As for the costs Pimsleur isn't cheap but you can find it cheap if you look around. Used etc.
Michel Thomas is a really good deal. Again look around for used, etc.

LessonStudio is free for the first few lessons and then not exactly cheap after that but for the number of words you get with the add-ons I think it is a good deal. Definitely the best if you are in a huge hurry.

Then Rosetta, it isn't cheap but for the amount of stuff you get and the time that it will take you to get through it I would say good value for the money. Just save it for last.

Pimsleur and LessonStudio can go on your iPhone/iPad but I don't think Rosetta can.
I found the earworms app to be just their audio squished into an app. I tuned it out too quickly. After a few minutes I realized I hadn't been listening for at least a minute. Same problem with all the oldies like Berlitz.

Now if Rammstein did a musical language app I could work with that. Although I would probably just end up yelling German at everyone while pounding my fist against my knee.

Earworms do an app for learning various languages. I used the Portuguese one a year or so back and it was really easy to learn from!

I am here:,-2.453034
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