Can you qualify why it would be your choice? Interested to hear, aside from NY perhaps being the illustration capitol of the world. Ringling looks very strong.
Well, these may get personal and people may NOT agree with these statements. Having said that I will also let you know when i went to school we didnt have computers, lol (old fart).
Anyways..... A few of these are pointed questions back to you. Others do not have anything to do with RISD.
1) Does he/she have raw talent? Obvious point in hand.
2) RISD is good as a lot of other schools mentioned in this post are as well. Things have changed since the late 80's where RISD dominated but still when I walk into a interview thats one of the first things questioned (in a good way).
3) Education these days means a lot. RISD has a name (as others do as well) and carries weight.
4) Having said the above I would then say (or ask) where your going to get the best bang for your buck. In education and in weight for your degree. I can argue that any of these schools mentioned will hold weight to lets say the Art Institutes (nothing against them at all, just making my point that going to these schools will hold weight in jobs).
5) Having said the above, lol..... All of this is for not if they dont have raw talent or a good portfolio. I have had kids come to me with EXCELLENT illustration skills with no formal education and others from GREAT schools with NONE!
6) Back in the day, RISD didnt just accept anyone and im sure its the same with others. I dont know if thats the case now but I would be looking to fit your skills with a few schools and see which one works best for your needs and will give you the best results for your money.
7) Illustration and raw talent can take you places. I see so many people that dont have RAW design skills but have computer knowledge and it shows.
8) As far as the school itself, I actually enjoyed going there. It all falls in what is actually being taught and how your professors drive you. They did exactly that for me. I want a school to push me, give me the drive and inspiration to push my skills to the next level.
In conclusion.... I have tried to respond in a manor that will pose questions and play devils advocate in others. If it were my child, I would first be realistic in understanding that an education means everything these days. In this economy I would want them to have the best opportunity to walk in and secure a job. I would also do as much research as possible. Talk to the alumni, visit the schools, talk to the professors / teachers and see if its a fit. You can also take summer classes as well at most of these universities which may not be a bad idea. Ultimately when you find your school of choice, you will know it.... its kind of like a good suit.
Hope this helps.
Ringling is strong, as well as many many others (Parsons especially). Your really heading in the right direction if you choose any of the ones listed here.